Jio Bollywood ☑️
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Jio Bollywood provide information about Bollywood Movies.
Like Movies released this week, Movies will be release next week and the upcoming movies.
Also separate information about every movie is available, like movie trailer, cast, songs, release date, genre, runtime, country, rating, movie description and movie poster.
Nicely integrated youtube with all the youtube comments about videos.
Your own online favorite list, which can be accessible from anywhere and in any android device.
Can watch old and new released trailer.
Movies songs and videos on the play.
Constant database updation with reliable and accurate information.
HyperLink-Connected movie cast, available for every movie.
Movie Review from top rated reviewers.
Movie search by title and by year.
All latest released Songs.
All the songs of a specific singer and movie.
Separate youtube search with autocomplete.
Big Movie collection-starting from 1951 to upcoming years.
Recent popular Movie.
Movies with Rating.
Download this app and find all the entertainment and daily dose of bollywood...
More Interactive UI.
Added feature:
Recent popular.
Movie cast.
Movie songs.
Movies by year.
Search for Movie.
YouTube comments.
Latest Songs.