Trump countdown
Events | 4.6MB
You don't like Donald Trump? Congratulations! You are not alone. If you are looking forward to the day the next president gets inaugurate, this App is a must-have for you!
We also provide a news feed, which shows you the latest "fake" news about the Donald. And - who knows - maybe he leaves the Oval Office earlier than he thought. So - stay tuned!
Don't worry. It can only get better ;)
Anda tidak suka Donald Trump? Selamat! Anda tidak sendiri. Jika Anda menantikan hari presiden berikutnya dilantik, Aplikasi ini harus dimiliki untuk Anda!
Kami juga menyediakan feed berita, yang menunjukkan berita "palsu" terbaru tentang Donald. Dan - siapa tahu - mungkin dia meninggalkan Kantor Oval lebih awal dari yang dia kira. Jadi - tetap disini!
Jangan khawatir. Itu hanya bisa menjadi lebih baik;)
We re-designed the entire app and added "Donald's message board", where you can comment and discuss with other users about Donald.