Trakkerz - Track your employees and school bus
Peta & Navigasi | 11.4MB
Trakkerz are used by two types of organizations:
1. Schools
They use it for tracking their School Buses
2. Sales Teams
They use it for tracking Salesmen
The School Bus Driver and Salesman INITIATE the Live Tracking by clicking on START TRIP and stop it by clicking on END TRIP.
While the Tracking is on, both the Driver and Salesman get a PERSISTENT NOTIFICATION that their location is being sent to their respective organizations.
Trakkerz digunakan oleh dua jenis organisasi:
1. Sekolah
Mereka menggunakannya untuk melacak Bus Sekolah mereka
2. Tim Penjualan
Mereka menggunakannya untuk melacak Salesman
Pengemudi Bus Sekolah dan Salesman MEMULAI Pelacakan Langsung dengan mengklik START TRIP dan menghentikannya dengan mengklik END TRIP.
Saat Pelacakan aktif, Pengemudi dan Salesman mendapatkan PEMBERITAHUAN PERSISTEN bahwa lokasi mereka sedang dikirim ke organisasi masing-masing.
Improved Lead Management
Compliant to all norms mentioned by Google