Tamil Kalimakkal
Pendidikan | 5.4MB
Tamil Kalimakkal is an android application in which people can read / recite the Kalimas in Tamil and Arabic.
This application is designed for everyone (Tamil) who wish to learn, memorize and can understand the meanings of Kalimas in Tamil.
Also by using this app, you can easily pronounce the arabic with the help of Tamil text, which may help you to read the Kailma easily.
This app includes below Kailams:
1. முதலாம் கலிமா தய்யிப்
2. இரண்டாம் கலிமா ஷஹாதத்
3. மூன்றாம் கலிமா தம்ஜீத்
4. நான்காம் கலிமா தவ்ஹீத்
5. ஐந்தாம் கலிமா ரத்துல் குப்ர்
1. Audio Tracks added for all the Kalimas. (now you can play and listen)
2. Few bugs fixes.