Sweet Camera: Selfie Filter & Beauty

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Best Selfie Camera with trendy filters and effect editor & collage.
Description Long:
Best App of 2019 on Google Play!
Easy to use and become a natural beauty just one click!
- With Sweet Selfie’s trendy filters and special stickers,
Stylish collage,smart auto beautify and amazing blur,vignette &retro feature
- Amazing blur and vignette. Make your selfie look more glamorous!
- Fast and fluent to take a selfie, capture your best moments with no fuss
- You can take beautiful selfies anywhere and anytime! Make every moment special!
New features in Sweet Camera:
- We have added animal stickers like cats and dogs, and other fashionable stickers like hairstyles, tattoos,wings,air camera.
- Lose weight lengthen legs for more outstanding figure
- Makeup functions is now available, we choose some fashion makeup styles, and update them weekly.
- Change brightness, contrast, saturation and color temperature for your photos and videos
- Apply any filter and effect edits to your photos and videos afterwards as well
- Slow down the best part of your video and create epic slow motion highlights
Kamera Selfie Terbaik dengan filter trendi dan efek editor & kolase.
Deskripsi Panjang:
Aplikasi Terbaik 2019 di Google Play!
Mudah digunakan dan menjadi keindahan alam hanya dengan satu klik!
- Dengan filter trendi dan stiker khusus Sweet Selfie,
Kolase penuh gaya, pintar otomatis, mempercantik dan fitur buram, sketsa & retro yang menakjubkan
- Blur dan sketsa yang menakjubkan. Jadikan selfie Anda terlihat lebih glamor!
- Cepat dan lancar mengambil selfie, mengabadikan momen terbaik Anda tanpa repot
- Anda dapat mengambil foto narsis yang indah di mana saja dan kapan saja! Jadikan setiap momen spesial!
Fitur Fitur baru di Sweet Camera:
- Kami telah menambahkan stiker binatang seperti kucing dan anjing, dan stiker modis lainnya seperti gaya rambut, tato, sayap, kamera udara.
- Menurunkan berat badan đối số cho các số hiệu số khác
- Fungsi tata rias sekarang tersedia, kami memilih beberapa gaya rias busana, dan memperbaruinya setiap minggu.
- Ubah kecerahan, kontras, saturasi dan suhu warna untuk foto dan video Anda
- Terapkan một b ed lọc và Efek edit để ảnh và các tập tin sauwards như cũng
- Perlambat bagian terbaik dari video Anda dan tunjukkan highlight gerakan lambat

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Yang Terbaru Sweet Camera

Sweet Camera - Selfie Filter & Beauty



Versi: 1.0

Butuh: Android 4.0.3 or later



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