Scrum Poker
Produktivitas | 3.6MB
Scrum poker is a powerful app, to make faster sprint plan and more accurate estimations and most important of all, to make it fun!
This app can be used in scrum planning sessions anywhere. Meeting, living rooms, trains, outer space, etc.
It includes the numbered cards along with infinity and the coffee cup card.
* Built-in card decks:
*** Fibonacci
*** Natural
*** Plannig Poker
*** T-Shirt
*Timer Counter
*If you shake the phone, the scrum poker card is turned on or off.
*Simple, fast and natural UI/UX
*Beautiful animations
*Supports high-end as well as low-end phones
Scrum poker adalah aplikasi tangguh yang dapat membantu Anda memaksimalkan smartphone Anda.
Aplikasi ini dapat digunakan dalam sesi perencanaan scrum di mana saja. Rapat, ruang tamu, kereta, luar angkasa, dll.
* Kartu deck bawaan:
*** Fibonacci
*** Alami
*** Plannig Poker
Kaos ***
* Penghitung Waktu
* Jika Anda menggoyangkan ponsel, kartu poker scrum dihidupkan atau dimatikan.
* Sederhana, cepat dan alami UI / UX
* Animasi yang indah
* Mendukung ponsel kelas atas dan kelas bawah
Added shake feature