Saud Al-Sharim no ads complete Quran Mp3 no net
Musik & Audio | 64.7MB
قراءة جميلة و نقية للقران الكريم بصوت سعود الشريم بدون انترنت
Holy Quran saoud shuraim
Great app…
plus no net no ads no permissions, completely free, download once and enjoy listening to Quran anywhere anytime.
Listen to Quran while using other apps or surfing the web no annoying ads.
Complete Quran kareem 114 Swrah without net offline.
The Quran player has complete control buttons play, pause, FF, FB, Next and
Previous buttons.
The FF button will fast forward the track 5 mil seconds and the FB will do the opposite.
The user can start the player by choosing the name of the Swrah from the list on the screen or by clicking the play button .
The user can change the phone position
from portal to land scape and vice versa while listening to Quran without problem.
The media player is programmed to pause playing when off hook or when incoming calls.
If the user using headsets It is also programmed to pause playing when the user unplug the headset.
The user can use the share button on the tool bar to share the app via deferent social media.
Can play back Quran in the back ground while using other apps.
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في الاخير نتمتى ان نكون قد توفقنا ولو قليلا ان شاء الله في هذا التطبيق ونرجو من العلي القدير ان يغفر لنا ولكم, لا تنسوا من فضلكم التقييم الايجابي للبرنامج باعطائه 5 نجوم, بالتوفيق والمغفرة للجميع.
Android 9, crash problem solved