Samved Medicare Hospital

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Samved Medicare Hospital
Samved Medicare Hospital gets International observers from various countries to learn PCNL and other Endourology procedures. Urologists have come from Saudi-Arabia, Libya, SriLanka , Bangladesh , Nepal , Germany, Turkey, USA, France and China.
Samved Medicare Hospital has all the latest urology equipments like lithotripter, PCNL And URS equipments, Greenlight Laser for Prostate, Holmium Laser for Stone Disintegration, Laparoscopic equipments etc.
The operating room have datex-ohmeda anaesthesia machines and Philips operating lights and Laminar Flow (HEPA FILTERS). American and European surgeons operate at Samved from time to time.
There are 19 fully furnished air conditioned rooms with TV and Refrigerator. A team of doctors and nurses work round the clock to take care of the patients. The hospital also has 4 beds very advance ICU. The Imaging department has MRI, PET Scan, Spiral CT-Scan, Radio Isotope scan, Colour Doppler and Digital X-Ray, 3D sonography facility available in the same building.
Contact Details:-
+91 9724172342
Email Id:-
Address :-
Nr. Stadium Circle, Navrangpura,
Ahmedabad 380 009 Gujarat (India).
Rumah Sakit Samved Medicare
Samved Rumah Sakit Medicare mendapat pengamat Internasional dari berbagai negara untuk belajar PCNL dan prosedur endourologi lainnya. Urolog berasal dari Arab Saudi, Libya, SriLanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Jerman, Turki, Amerika Serikat, Perancis dan China.
Samved Rumah Sakit Medicare memiliki semua peralatan urologi terbaru seperti lithotripter, PCNL Dan peralatan URS, Greenlight Laser untuk Prostat, Holmium Laser untuk Stone Disintegrasi, peralatan Laparoskopi dll
Ruang operasi memiliki mesin anestesi Datex-Ohmeda dan lampu operasi Philips dan Laminar Flow (HEPA FILTER). ahli bedah Amerika dan Eropa beroperasi pada Samved dari waktu ke waktu.
Ada 19 kamar ber-AC lengkap dengan TV dan Kulkas. Sebuah tim dokter dan perawat bekerja sepanjang waktu untuk mengurus pasien. Rumah sakit ini juga memiliki 4 tempat tidur yang sangat maju ICU. Departemen Pencitraan memiliki MRI, PET Scan, Spiral CT-Scan, Radio Isotop scan, Warna Doppler dan Digital X-Ray, fasilitas sonografi 3D yang tersedia di gedung yang sama.
Rincian kontak: -
+91 9724172342
Email Id: -
Alamat: -
Nr. Stadion Circle, Navrangpura,
Ahmedabad 380 009 Gujarat (India).

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