Perjalanan & Lokal | 5.6MB
Access your roster offline and sharing with friends and buddies. Export your roster to phone calendar or view with App vertical calendar.
Just import own roster excel file from your airlines (presently SQ only) or your friends' file to check schedule
Akses daftar Anda secara offline dan berbagi dengan teman dan teman. Ekspor daftar Anda ke kalender ponsel atau tampilan dengan kalender vertikal Aplikasi.
Cukup impor file excel daftar sendiri dari maskapai Anda (saat ini hanya SQ) atau file teman Anda untuk memeriksa jadwal
RosteroidMe is a roster sharing App similar to Rosteroid for SQ aircrew. It will only display crew who share their xls (NOT xlsx) file from the company.
Installation Instructions
1. Enter SN without 00.
2. Select Import>Dropbox
3. Click on the required xls file for import and conversion.
V1.1 corrected for initial setup error