RR Dental Labs Pvt Ltd

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RR Dental Lab, independent full-service dental lab — with locations in Hyderabad, Guntur, Bangalore and Chennai. One of the country’s most technologically equipped and well-resourced labs, RR Lab produces high-quality restorations including, but not limited to, conventional crown and bridge, ceramics, implants, partials, dentures and temporary fixed bridges. RR Lab's CAD/CAM department meets increased demand for digital accuracy and predictability in restorations such as IPS e.max, Empress, and Lava. Every restoration is crafted using only FDA-approved materials.
Laboratorium Gigi RR, laboratorium gigi mandiri lengkap - dengan lokasi di Hyderabad, Guntur, Bangalore dan Chennai. Salah satu lab yang dilengkapi teknologi dan sumber daya paling baik di negara itu, RR Lab menghasilkan restorasi berkualitas tinggi termasuk, namun tidak terbatas pada, mahkota dan jembatan konvensional, keramik, implan, parsial, gigi palsu, dan jembatan tetap sementara. Departemen CAD / CAM RR Lab memenuhi peningkatan permintaan untuk akurasi digital dan prediktabilitas dalam restorasi seperti IPS e.max, Empress, dan Lava. Setiap restorasi dibuat hanya menggunakan bahan yang disetujui FDA.

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Yang Terbaru RR Dental Lab

Performance and minor bug fixes



Versi: 1.1

Butuh: Android 4.1 or later



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