Pulsometro. Ritm Cardio
Kesehatan & Kebugaran | 7.2MB
Check your heart rate at all times, wherever you are. App will help you measure your pulse at home and at work, before bedtime and after you’ve woken up, before workout or before an important event.
I bet you didn't know your phone could do that! App accurately measures your heart rate using the camera on your phone. This app is able to measure your pulse using your finger!
- Accurate and fast measurement
- Unlimited registrations of results with tags to access later
- Real-time pulse graph
Periksa detak jantung Anda setiap saat, di mana pun Anda berada. Aplikasi ini akan membantu Anda.
Saya tidak dapat memiliki ponsel Anda! Terapkan detak jantung Anda. Aplikasi ini dapat mengukur pulsa Anda menggunakan jari Anda!
- Pengukuran yang akurat dan cepat
- pendaftaran tanpa batas
- Grafik pulsa real-time