Photo Editor Plus - Beauty Camera & Photo Filter

3 (6)

Fotografi | 11.3MB


you have some knowledge of photography, you can do a lot with Photo Editor Plus.
- Tons of stickers (e.g., emoji, tattoo etc.) create extremely funny and cool photos!
- 30+ trendy & powerful filters (e.g., Lomo, Artistic etc.) enable you to own more
personalized and professional photos.
- Real-time selfie camera live filters
- Color : exposure, brightness, contrast, saturation, temperature, tint and hue
- Curves & Levels : fine-tuning of colors
- Effects : gamma correction, auto contrast, auto tone, sharpen, oil paint, sketch, black & white high contrast, sepia, and more
- Adding text, images or shapes
- Rotation, Straighten, Crop, Resize
- Corrections : perspective, lens, red-eye, white balance and backlight
- Easily edit with the touch and pinch-to-zoom interface
- Save images in your Local Storage
- Save your final result to your gallery, as wallpaper, or on your SD card
Anda memiliki pengetahuan fotografi, Anda dapat melakukan banyak hal dengan Photo Editor Plus.
- Banyak stiker (mis., Emoji, tato, dll.) Membuat foto yang sangat lucu dan keren!
- 30+ filter trendi & ampuh (mis., Lomo, Artistic dll.) Memungkinkan Anda memiliki lebih banyak
foto pribadi dan profesional.
- Filter langsung kamera selfie real-time
- Warna: pencahayaan, kecerahan, kontras, saturasi, suhu, rona dan warna
- Curves & Levels: fine-tuning warna
- Efek: koreksi gamma, kontras otomatis, nada otomatis, mempertajam, cat minyak, sketsa, kontras tinggi hitam & putih, sepia, dan lainnya
- Menambahkan teks, gambar, atau bentuk
- Rotasi, Luruskan, Pangkas, Ubah Ukuran
- Koreksi: perspektif, lensa, mata merah, keseimbangan putih dan cahaya latar
- Mudah diedit dengan antarmuka sentuh dan pinch-to-zoom
- Simpan gambar di Penyimpanan Lokal Anda
- Simpan hasil akhir Anda ke galeri Anda, sebagai wallpaper, atau pada kartu SD Anda

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Versi: 1.4

Butuh: Android 4.0 or later



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