PEPSU Online
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The Pepsu Road Transport Corporation (PRTC), Patiala was set-up on 16th of October, 1956 under the provision of the Road Transport Corporations Act, 1950 with a view to provide efficient, adequate, economic and properly co-ordinated operation system of Road Transport Services in the State. It commenced passenger transport operations with a meagre investment of Rs. 25.00 lacs and the fleet of 60 buses covering 11,107 daily scheduled kilometers on 15 routes with 345 employees. At present, the PRTC had 704 owned & 251 KM Scheme ordinary buses, 2 own & 11 Integral Coaches under KM Scheme and 59 own HVAC buses, being operated on 577 routes (including inter-state routes) by covering a daily mileage of 355827 kilometers. It has 2271 Regular Employees, 1460 Through Outsourcing, 83 PESCO Personnel, 186 on PRTC Contract Total 4000 employees as on 30.04.2012. There are 10 depots of the Corporation located at Patiala, Bathinda, Kapurthala,Barnala, Sangrur, Budhlada, Faridkot, Ludhiana, Chandigarh and Special Cell of KM Scheme at Patiala.
Corporation Profile
The Pepsu Road Transport Corporation (PRTC) head office of the corporation is situated at Patiala. The operation of the bus services by PRTC is not only confined to Punjab State, but it has also been providing bus services to the neighboring states like Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, Jammu & Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal and Union Territories of Chandigarh and Delhi.
The Pepsu Road Transport Corporation (PRTC) provides services not only on intercity routes but also links the remote villages with the nearby towns and cities. It is also extending free/concessional travel facilities to various categories of commuters as per the instructions of the State Govt. from time to time.
Pepsu Road Transport Corporation (PRTC) is governed by the Board Of Directors headed by the Chairman. The Managing Director is the Chief Executive of the Corporation who is assisted by Addl. Managing Director along with the officers of the various branches in the Head Office. The General Manager heads the Depot Administration and is assisted by various branch officers./font>
Pepsu Road Transport Corporation (PRTC) is having 9 depots all over Punjab.
Bus Stands Owned and Operated by Pepsu Road Transport Corporation (PRTC)
Patiala, Sangrur, Kapurthala, Bathinda, Talwandi Sabo, Budhlada, Faridkot, Phagwara, Ahemadgarh, Moonak, Bassi Pathana, Raman, Patran, Amloh, Zirakpur.
Perusahaan Transportasi Jalan Pepsu (PRTC), Patiala didirikan pada 16 Oktober 1956 di bawah ketentuan Undang-undang Korporasi Angkutan Jalan, 1950 dengan tujuan untuk memberikan sistem jalan yang efisien, memadai, ekonomis dan terkoordinasi dengan baik. Layanan Transportasi di Negara. Ini memulai operasi transportasi penumpang dengan sedikit investasi Rs. 25.00 lacs dan armada 60 bus yang meliputi 11.107 kilometer harian yang dijadwalkan pada 15 rute dengan 345 karyawan. Saat ini, PRTC telah memiliki 704 & 251 KM Skema bus biasa, 2 sendiri & 11 Pelatih Integral di bawah KM Scheme dan 59 bus HVAC sendiri, yang dioperasikan pada 577 rute (termasuk rute antar negara bagian) dengan mencakup jarak tempuh harian 355827 kilometer . Ini memiliki 2271 Karyawan Reguler, 1460 Melalui Outsourcing, 83 PESCO Personil, 186 pada Kontrak PRTC Jumlah 4.000 karyawan pada 30.04.2012. Ada 10 depot Korporasi yang terletak di Patiala, Bathinda, Kapurthala, Barnala, Sangrur, Budhlada, Faridkot, Ludhiana, Chandigarh, dan Sel Spesial KM Scheme di Patiala.
Profil Perusahaan
Kantor pusat perusahaan Pepsu Road Transport Corporation (PRTC) terletak di Patiala. Pengoperasian layanan bus oleh PRTC tidak hanya terbatas pada Punjab State, tetapi juga telah menyediakan layanan bus ke negara-negara tetangga seperti Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, Jammu & Kashmir, Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal dan Union Territories of Chandigarh dan Delhi.
Pepsu Road Transport Corporation (PRTC) memberikan layanan tidak hanya pada rute antarkota tetapi juga menghubungkan desa-desa terpencil dengan kota dan kota terdekat. Hal ini juga memperluas fasilitas perjalanan gratis / konsesional untuk berbagai kategori komuter sesuai instruksi dari Pemerintah Negara. dari waktu ke waktu.
Pepsu Road Transport Corporation (PRTC) diatur oleh Dewan Direksi yang dipimpin oleh Ketua. Direktur Pelaksana adalah Kepala Eksekutif Korporasi yang dibantu oleh Addl. Managing Director bersama dengan petugas dari berbagai cabang di Kantor Pusat. General Manager mengepalai Administrasi Depot dan dibantu oleh berbagai petugas cabang./font>
Pepsu Road Transport Corporation (PRTC) memiliki 9 depot di seluruh Punjab.
Bus Stands Dimiliki dan Dioperasikan oleh Pepsu Road Transport Corporation (PRTC)
Patiala, Sangrur, Kapurthala, Bathinda, Talwandi Sabo, Budhlada, Faridkot, Phagwara, Ahemadgarh, Moonak, Bassi Pathana, Raman, Patran, Amloh, Zirakpur.