Most Important Maths Formulas (1300 math formulas)
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Mathematics formulas app for students.
This app has 1300+ math formula which are very important for any exams.
With this app you can memorize all mathematics formulas by sitting at your comfort.
No need to carry any notes for formula this app got you covered with all formula topic wise with great detail.
You'll find formulas very simply explained in app with necessary figures will help you to understand very easily.
Topics covered:
Number Sets
- Set Identities
- Sets of Numbers
- Basic Identities
- Complex Numbers
- Factoring Formulas
- Product Formulas
- Powers
- Roots
- Logarithms
- Equations
- Inequalities
- Compound Interest Formulas
- Right Triangle
- Isosceles Triangle
- Equilateral Triangle
- Scalene Triangle
- Square
- Rectangle
- Parallelogram
- Rhombus
- Trapezoid
- Isosceles Trapezoid
- Isosceles Trapezoid with Inscribed Circle
- Trapezoid with Inscribed Circle
- Kite
- Cyclic Quadrilateral
- Tangential Quadrilateral
- General Quadrilateral
- Regular Hexagon
- Regular Polygon
- Circle
- Sector of Circle
- Segment of Circle
- Cube
- Rectangular Parallelepiped
- Prism
- Regular Tetrahedron
- Regular Pyramid
- Frustum of a Regulat Pyramid
- Rectangular Right Wedge
- Platonic Solids
- Right Circular Cylinder
- Right Circular Cylinder with an Oblique Plane Face
- Right Circular Cone
- Frustum of a Right Circular Cone
- Sphere
- Spherical Cap
- Spherical Sector
- Spherical Segment
- Spherical Wedge
- Ellipsoid
- Circular Torus
- Radian and Degree Measures of Angles
- Definitions and Graphs of Trigonometric Functions
- Signs of Trigonometric Functions
- Trigonometric Functions of Common Angles
- Most Important Formulas
- Reduction Formulas
- Periodicity of Trigonometric Functions
- Relations between Trigonometric Functions
- Addition and Substraction Formulas
- Double Angle Formulas
- Multiple Angle Formulas
- Half Angle Formulas
- Half Angle Tangent Identities
- Transforming of Trigonometric Expressions to Product
- Transforming of Trigonometric Expressions to Sum
- Powers of Trigonometric Functions
- Principal Values of Inverse Trigonometric Functions
- Relations between Inverse Trigonometric Functions
- Trigonometric Equations
- Relations to Hyperbolic Functions
Matrices and Determinants
- Determinants
- Properties of Determinants
- Matrices
- Operations with Matrices
- Systems of Linear Equations
- Vector Coordinates
- Vector Addition
- Vector Substraction
- Scalling Vectors
- Scalar Product
- Vector Product
- Triple Product
Analytic Geometry
- One-Dimensional Coordinate System
- Two-Dimensional Coordinate System
- Straight Line in Plane
- Circle
- Ellipse
- Hyperbola
- Parabola
- Three-Dimensional Coordinate Systen
- Plane
- Straight Line in Space
- Quadric Surface
- Sphere
Differential Calculus
- Functions and Their Graphs
- Limits of Functions
- Definition and Properties of the Derivative
- Table of Derivatives
- Higher Order Derivatives
- Application of Derivative
- Multivariable Functions
- Differential Operators
Integral Calculus
- Indefinite Integral
- Integrals of Rational Functions
- Integrals of Irrational Functions
- Integrals of Trigonometric Functions
- Integrals of Hyperbolic Functions
- Integrals of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
- Reduction Formulas
- Definite Integral
- Improper Integral
- Double Integral
- Triple Integral
- Line Integral
- Surface Integral
Differential Equations
- First Order Differential Equations
- Second Order Ordinary Differential Equations
- Some Partial Differential Equations
- Arithmetic Series
- Geometric Series
- Some Finite Series
- Infinite Series
- Properties of Convergent Series
- Convergence Tests
- Alternating Series
- Power Series
- Differentiation and Integration of Power Series
- Taylor and Maclaurin Series
- Binomial Series
- Fourier Series
- Permutations and Combinations
- Probability Formulas
The topics are covered with proper figures.
Hope you will enjoy reading.
All The Best......
Matematika Rumus aplikasi bagi siswa.
Aplikasi ini memiliki 1300+ rumus matematika yang sangat penting untuk setiap ujian.
Dengan aplikasi ini Anda bisa menghafal semua rumus matematika dengan duduk di kenyamanan Anda.
Tidak perlu membawa catatan untuk formula aplikasi ini mendapat Anda tertutup dengan semua rumus topik bijaksana dengan sangat detail.
Anda akan menemukan formula yang sangat sederhana dijelaskan dalam aplikasi dengan angka yang diperlukan akan membantu Anda untuk memahami dengan sangat mudah.
Topik yang dibahas:
Set Number
- Set Identitas
- Set Bilangan
- Identitas Dasar
- Bilangan Kompleks
- Rumus Anjak
- Rumus Produk
- Powers
- Akar
- Logaritma
- Persamaan
- Ketimpangan
- Rumus Compound Interest
- Segitiga siku-siku
- Segitiga sama kaki
- Segitiga sama sisi
- Segitiga sisi tak sama panjang
- Kotak
- Empat persegi panjang
- Jajar Genjang
- Rhombus
- Trapesium
- Segitiga Sama Kaki Trapesium
- Segitiga Sama Kaki Trapesium dengan Bertulis Lingkaran
- Trapesium dengan Bertulis Lingkaran
- Kite
- siklik segiempat
- tangensial Segiempat
- Segiempat Umum
- Regular Hexagon
- Poligon beraturan
- Lingkaran
- Sektor Circle
- Segmen Circle
- Kubus
- Rectangular paralelpipedum
- Prism
- Tetrahedron Reguler
- Piramida Reguler
- Frustum dari regulat Piramida
- Rectangular kanan Wedge
- Padat Platonis
- Hak Edaran Cylinder
- Hak Edaran Cylinder dengan Pesawat Wajah Oblique
- Hak Edaran Cone
- Frustum dari Circular Cone Kanan
- Sphere
- Cap Bulat
- Sektor Bulat
- Segmen Bulat
- Wedge Bulat
- ellipsoid
- Edaran Torus
- Radian dan Gelar Ukuran Angles
- Definisi dan Grafik dari Fungsi trigonometri
- Tanda-tanda Fungsi trigonometri
- Fungsi trigonometri Biasa Angles
- Rumus Paling Penting
- Rumus Pengurangan
- Periodicity Fungsi trigonometri
- Hubungan antara Fungsi trigonometri
- Penambahan dan Substraction Rumus
- Double Angle Rumus
- Beberapa Rumus Angle
- Setengah Angle Rumus
- Setengah Angle Tangent Identitas
- Transformasi dari trigonometri Expressions untuk Produk
- Transformasi dari trigonometri Expressions untuk Sum
- Powers Fungsi trigonometri
- Nilai Kepala Fungsi Invers trigonometri
- Hubungan antara Fungsi Invers trigonometri
- trigonometri Persamaan
- Hubungan ke Fungsi hiperbolik
Matriks dan Determinan
- Penentu
- Sifat Penentu
- Matriks
- Operasi dengan Matriks
- Sistem Persamaan Linear
- Vector Koordinat
- Vector Penambahan
- Vector Substraction
- Vektor Scalling
- Produk skalar
- Vector Produk
- Produk Tiga
Analytic Geometry
- Satu-Dimensi Sistem Koordinat
- Dua Dimensi Sistem Koordinat
- Garis Lurus di Pesawat
- Lingkaran
- Ellipse
- hiperbola
- Parabola
- Tiga-Dimensi Koordinat Systen
- Pesawat
- Garis Lurus di Ruang
- Permukaan quadric
- Sphere
Kalkulus diferensial
- Fungsi dan Grafik mereka
- Batas Fungsi
- Definisi dan Sifat-sifat Derivatif
- Tabel Derivatif
- Derivatif Orde Tinggi
- Penerapan Derivatif
- Fungsi multivariabel
- Operator Diferensial
Kalkulus Integral
- tak tentu Integral
- Integral Fungsi Rasional
- Integral Fungsi irrasional
- Integral Fungsi trigonometri
- Integral Fungsi hiperbolik
- Integral dari eksponensial dan Fungsi Logaritma
- Rumus Pengurangan
- Pasti Integral
- tidak benar Integral
- Double Integral
- Tiga Integral
- Garis Integral
- Permukaan Integral
Persamaan diferensial
- Pertama Orde Persamaan Diferensial
- Orde Kedua Persamaan Diferensial Biasa
- Beberapa Persamaan Diferensial Parsial
- Aritmatika Seri
- Seri Geometris
- Beberapa Hingga Seri
- Tak Terbatas Series
- Sifat Konvergen Series
- Tes Konvergensi
- Alternating Series
- Power Series
- Diferensiasi dan Integrasi Power Series
- Taylor dan Maclaurin Series
- Binomial Series
- Fourier Series
- Permutasi dan Kombinasi
- Rumus Probabilitas
Topik-topik yang dibahas dengan angka yang tepat.
Berharap Anda akan menikmati membaca.
Semua yang terbaik......
Minor bugs fixed