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A countrywide Surface network to complement our air services. E-commerce B2B and B2C initiatives including partnering with some of the prime portals in the country. Our Competitive Advantage lies in: Our vast and unparalleled Domestic Network Linked by some of the most advanced communications systems and positioned to offer a consistent, premium, standardized quality of service. A spectrum of services to provide customized solutions.
this application helps users perform several functions. Some important functions are:
* Tracking of shipments
* Calculate Rate & Time
* Locate Microsafe offices
* Request Pickup
Jaringan Permukaan nasional untuk melengkapi layanan udara kami. E-commerce B2B dan inisiatif B2C termasuk bermitra dengan beberapa portal utama di negara ini. Keunggulan Kompetitif kami terletak di: Jaringan Domestik kami yang luas dan tak tertandingi. Terhubung dengan beberapa sistem komunikasi paling maju dan diposisikan untuk menawarkan kualitas layanan yang konsisten, premium, dan terstandardisasi. Spektrum layanan untuk memberikan solusi khusus.
aplikasi ini membantu pengguna melakukan beberapa fungsi. Beberapa fungsi penting adalah:
* Pelacakan pengiriman
* Hitung Tingkat & Waktu
* Cari kantor-kantor Microsafe
* Minta Pickup

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Yang Terbaru Microsafe

* Tracking of shipments
* Calculate Rate & Time
* Locate Our offices
* Request Pickup




Butuh: Android 4.1 or later



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