Mangrove Ecosystem of Sundarbans

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The Sundarbans. The Sundarbans mangrove forest, one of the largest such forests in the world (140,000 ha), lies on the delta of the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Meghna rivers on the Bay of Bengal. It is adjacent to the border of India's Sundarbans World Heritage site inscribed in 1987.
Wild Animals in Sunderban National Park
Sundarban mangrove forest is the single largest home of the Royal Bengal Tiger( Panthera Tigris ).
Bengal tiger at lake Sundarban is also the only mangrove forest in the world having the tiger as its indigenous population. As per 2004 census, the tiger population in Indian Sundarban is around There are 58 species of mammals, 55 species of reptiles and around 248 bird species.
Sundarbans also harbors a good number of rare and globally threatened animals including Earnestine Crocodile ( Crocodiles porous ), Fishing Cat ( Files viverrina ), Common otter ( Lutra lutra ), Water Monitor lizard ( Var anus Salvatore ), Gangetic Dolphin ( Platinista gangetica ), Snubfin dolphin ( Orcella brevirostris ), River Terrapin (Batagur baska ), marine turtles like Olive Ridley ( Lepidochelys olivacea ), Green Sea Turtle ( Chelonia mydas ), Hawks bill Turtle ( Eritmochelys imbricata ). Six species of Shark and Ray, which are found here, are included in Schedule I of Wildlife (Protection) Act. These indicate that Sundarban Reserved Forest is a natural biodiversity hot spot.
Other mammals comprise of Wild boars, Spotted deer, Porcupines and Rhesus macaque. Among the reptiles, the King cobra, the common cobra, Banded krait, Russell's Viper comprise the community of venomous reptiles, while the Python, Chequered Kil-Back, Dhaman , Green Whip Snake and several other species constitute the non-venomous snakes.
Sundarbans. Hutan bakau Sundarbans, salah satu hutan terbesar di dunia (140.000 ha), terletak di delta Sungai Gangga, Brahmaputra, dan Sungai Meghna di Teluk Bengal. Ini berbatasan dengan perbatasan situs Warisan Dunia Sundarbans India yang tertulis pada tahun 1987.
Satwa Liar di Taman Nasional Sunderban
Hutan bakau Sundarban adalah rumah tunggal terbesar Royal Bengal Tiger (Panthera Tigris).
Harimau Bengal di danau Sundarban juga satu-satunya hutan bakau di dunia yang memiliki harimau sebagai populasi asli. Sesuai sensus 2004, populasi harimau di Sundarban India ada di sekitar. Ada 58 spesies mamalia, 55 spesies reptil dan sekitar 248 spesies burung.
Sundarbans juga menampung sejumlah hewan langka dan terancam punah global termasuk Buaya Earnestine (Crocodiles porous), Kucing Perikanan (File viverrina), berang-berang umum (Lutra lutra), kadal Pemantau Air (Var anus Salvatore), Gangetic Dolphin (Platinista gangetica), Snubfin dolphin (Orcella brevirostris), Sungai Terrapin (Batagur baska), penyu laut seperti Olive Ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea), Penyu Laut Hijau (Chelonia mydas), Penyu Tagihan Laut (Eritmochelys imbricata). Enam spesies Hiu dan Ray, yang ditemukan di sini, termasuk dalam Jadwal I Undang-Undang Satwa Liar (Perlindungan). Ini menunjukkan bahwa Hutan Lindung Sundarban adalah hot spot keanekaragaman hayati alami.
Mamalia lain terdiri dari babi hutan, rusa tutul, monyet landak dan rhesus. Di antara reptil, Raja kobra, kobra umum, Selat Banded, Viper Russell terdiri dari komunitas reptil berbisa, sementara Python, Kil-Back Kotak-kotak, Dhaman, Green Whip Snake dan beberapa spesies lainnya merupakan ular tidak berbisa.

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Yang Terbaru Mangrove Ecosystem of Sundarbans

Mangrove Ecosystem of Sundarbans



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