Lucky Dube - All Songs (OFFLINE)

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Lucky Dude, born in 1964 in South Africa, active since 1982, is one of the great African reggae singers. It is also the best known of his country: South Africa. In his lyrics, he speaks of freedom, love and respect.
He started singing in local dialects before embarking on written texts in English, even though the music was censored on the radio. His discography is composed of 22 albums and a compilation of which seventeen albums in English.
Lucky Dube claimed that he did not consume alcohol or drugs.
Lucky Dube left us on October 18, 2007, shot dead by two people trying to steal his car in the suburb of Rosettenville in front of these two children
Best Songs Lucky Dube:
*It's Not Easy
*House Of Exile
*Reggae Strong
*Different Colours, One People
*I've Got You Babe
*Kiss No Frog
*Back to My Roots
*Together as One
*Truth in the World
*Oh My Son
*Serious Reggae Business
And Many More...
This is an unofficial apps. This apps and its content are not officially endorsed or produced by, nor associated with or affiliated with the music artist(s) or any associated entities of the artist(s), such as management or record label. All trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners. This application has ads that comply with Google Play Policy and Please support the artists and their companies.
Lucky Dude, lahir pada tahun 1964 di Afrika Selatan, aktif sejak 1982, adalah salah satu penyanyi reggae Afrika yang hebat. Itu juga yang paling terkenal di negaranya: Afrika Selatan. Dalam liriknya, ia berbicara tentang kebebasan, cinta, dan rasa hormat.
Dia mulai bernyanyi dalam dialek lokal sebelum memulai teks-teks tertulis dalam bahasa Inggris, meskipun musik disensor di radio. Diskografinya terdiri dari 22 album dan kompilasi tujuh belas album dalam bahasa Inggris.
Lucky Dube mengklaim bahwa dia tidak mengkonsumsi alkohol atau narkoba.
Lucky Dube meninggalkan kami pada 18 Oktober 2007, ditembak mati oleh dua orang yang mencoba mencuri mobilnya di pinggiran kota Rosettenville di depan kedua anak ini
Lagu Terbaik Lucky Dube:
*Ini tidak mudah
* House of Exile
* Reggae Kuat
* Warna Berbeda, Satu Orang
* I Got You Babe
* Kiss No Frog
* Kembali ke My Roots
* Kebenaran di Dunia
* Oh Anakku
* Bisnis Reggae Serius
Dan masih banyak lagi...
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