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Kesehatan & Kebugaran | 5.0MB


Take your LifeWise healthcare info into your own hands.
Use your LifeWise digital ID card
Got your phone? Then you’ve got your LifeWise ID card with you. You can save your card to your photo gallery or send it directly to your doctor.
Find care
Know where to go for care when you need it. You can find nearby in-network doctors, hospitals, urgent care facilities, and more.
View your claims
Check the status of your claims right from the app. View detailed claims information for you and your dependents from anywhere.
Deductible met, or not yet?
No more guessing. Know how much you have left to pay each plan year before LifeWise starts paying for certain expenses. At any time, you can view your individual and family deductibles for medical and dental.
Bawa info kesehatan LifeWise Anda ke tangan Anda sendiri.
Gunakan kartu ID digital LifeWise Anda
Punya ponsel Anda? Kemudian Anda mendapatkan kartu ID LifeWise bersama Anda. Anda dapat menyimpan kartu Anda ke galeri foto Anda atau mengirimkannya langsung ke dokter Anda.
Temukan perawatan
Ketahuilah harus pergi kemana ketika Anda membutuhkannya. Anda dapat menemukan dokter terdekat di jaringan, rumah sakit, fasilitas perawatan darurat, dan banyak lagi.
Lihat klaim Anda
Periksa status klaim Anda langsung dari aplikasi. Lihat informasi klaim terperinci untuk Anda dan tanggungan Anda dari mana saja.
Sudah dikurangkan, atau belum?
Tidak perlu menebak lagi. Ketahui berapa banyak yang tersisa untuk membayar setiap paket tahun sebelum LifeWise mulai membayar biaya tertentu. Setiap saat, Anda dapat melihat deductibles pribadi dan keluarga Anda untuk medis dan gigi.

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Yang Terbaru LifeWise

We’ve completely rebuilt the app to give you:
- A brand new design
- Improved performance
Please reach out to us at with any feedback. We'd love to hear from you!



Versi: 3.08

Butuh: Android 5.0 or later



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