Lay Camera
Fotografi | 51.1MB
Lay Camera is a simple and stylish Android camera app. Let you experience the feeling of a professional camera!
Main features:
⭐HD camera: support fast capture, HD video capture, panorama
⭐ Gorgeous filter: more than 60 filters for different scenes
⭐ Panorama: Take and create panoramic photos and capture immersive 360-degree panoramic photos
⭐ HD video capture: take pictures in real time when shooting video
⭐ Built-in photo library: Easily view HD photos and HD videos
⭐Self-timer camera: Self-timer camera performance / Full HD camera
⭐ Beautiful scenes: night, sunset, party, etc.
⭐ white balance: automatic, incandescent, fluorescent, daylight, cloudy
⭐Timer and Delay: Set the timer to take photos and record videos automatically
⭐ Focus: optical / digital zoom, click focus, focus halo display
⭐ Autofocus mode: infinity, macro
⭐ Resolution: Support various resolutions of the device
⭐ Accurate location: Record location information
⭐Fashion HDR: Improve images taken in low light and backlit scenes
Lay Camera adalah aplikasi kamera Android sederhana dan bergaya. Biarkan Anda mengalami perasaan kamera profesional!
Fitur utama:
⭐HD kamera: mendukung pengambilan cepat, pengambilan video HD, panorama
⭐ Filter cantik: lebih dari 60 filter untuk pemandangan berbeda
⭐ Panorama: Ambil dan buat foto panorama dan ambil foto panorama 360 derajat yang mendalam
⭐ Pengambilan video HD: mengambil gambar secara real time saat merekam video
⭐ Pustaka foto internal: Melihat foto HD dan video HD dengan mudah
⭐Kamera self-timer: Kinerja kamera self-timer / kamera Full HD
Scenes Adegan indah: malam, matahari terbenam, pesta, dll.
⭐ white balance: otomatis, berpijar, berpendar, siang hari, berawan
ImerTimer dan Delay: Mengatur timer untuk mengambil foto dan merekam video secara otomatis
⭐ Fokus: pembesaran optik / digital, fokus klik, tampilan halo fokus
⭐ Mode fokus otomatis: tak terhingga, makro
⭐ Resolusi: Mendukung berbagai resolusi perangkat
⭐ Lokasi akurat: Catat informasi lokasi
⭐Fashion HDR: Tingkatkan gambar yang diambil dalam suasana cahaya redup dan cahaya latar