Kleaning bee
Rumah & Griya | 3.9MB
In this Android application you can place laundry services orders like washing,soft iron,saree polishing,saree rolling and dry cleaning. Our pickup boy will pickup and delivery the clothes at your address for free.There are Express services also which may cost more. The price menu is also reasonable. You can track the order through this app.
Dalam aplikasi Android ini Anda dapat menempatkan pesanan layanan laundry seperti mencuci, soft iron, saree polishing, saree rolling dan dry cleaning. Penjemput kami akan mengambil dan mengirim pakaian di alamat Anda secara gratis. Ada juga layanan Express yang mungkin lebih mahal. Menu harga juga masuk akal. Anda dapat melacak pesanan melalui aplikasi ini.
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