Jewellery Photo Editor
Kesehatan & Kebugaran | 8.3MB
Jewellery Photo Editor provides you a fashion to let you have any kind of sticker you want in your face.
Using Jewellery Photo Editor for girls you create cool Jewellery looks using only your photo and transform your self into a Jewellery man quickly and easy.
New Jewellery Photo Editor offers you various HD Jewellerys styles for an instant Jewellery growth easily and free to use and make your photo differently.
In collection of Jewellery Photo Editor you can choose necklace jewellery,Necklaces sets, Ear Rings, Ear Hangings, Diamond Jewellry Sets, nose jewellery, ring jewellery, ears jewellery, hair ring jewellery, hair crown jewellery and much more.
Types of jewellery you will find here
-> Collection of beautiful Ring and Necklace / Earrings styles.
-> More than 100 trendy stickers
-> Beard stickers
-> Easy rotation and zoom .
-> View photo in application.
-> Share your created photo with friends via social network like whatsapp, facebook, instagram, twitter.
-> Jewellery DP Maker
-> Ring stickers
-> Chain stickers
-> Tika stickers
-> Necklace stickers
-> Earrings stickers
-> Jewellery photo editor for girls
-> Jewellery photo frame
-> Jewellery photo makeup
-> Jewelry photo editor 2018
• Jhoomer
• Necklace Sets
• Studs
• Ear rings
• Pendants
• Bridal jewelry
• Traditional jewelry
• Antique jewelry
Please try to check Collection page if u don't find your saved image in your device.
• New girls and women fashion application
• Store of ethnic, American Punjabi and south Indian jewellary
• Current and trendy collection of gold, silver and diamond jewellary
• Real girls fancy ornament shop and style bar
• Quick jewels shopping like necklace sets, jhumkas, rings, hoops, brecelets
• Modern bridal jewellary collection like bindis, collar neckless, anklets, angles and brecelts, ear rings, nose pins, waist belts and wedding rings
• Women pics editing studio and image editor
• All women accessories with different categories.... antique jewellery , curated jewellery, terracotta jewellary, temple jewelry and pear jewellery
• Sharing of edited photos at all social networks
• Gallery photos and camera photos application
• Jewels for all types parties and functions
How to use Jewellery Photo Editor for Girls?
Select picture from your phone gallery or from your camera. Select the jewellery design you want to try on. Rotate, flip and resize the jewellery on your body and set it perfectly and easily in this picture editor / photo editor / image editor. Save the edited picture/image/photo to your gallery or share it directly on social media or other media.
Also known as:
Jewellery photo editor for girls, Jewellery photo frame, Jewellery photo makeup
, Jewellery Stickers Editor, Jewellery photo Changer photo editor, Jewellery Booth Photo Montage.
Jewellery Photo Editor memberikan Anda mode untuk memberi Anda berbagai stiker yang Anda inginkan di wajah Anda.
Menggunakan Editor Foto Perhiasan untuk anak perempuan Anda membuat Perhiasan keren terlihat hanya menggunakan foto Anda dan mengubah diri Anda menjadi Pria Perhiasan dengan cepat dan mudah.
Editor Foto Perhiasan Baru menawarkan berbagai gaya Jewellery HD untuk pertumbuhan Perhiasan instan dengan mudah dan bebas untuk digunakan dan membuat foto Anda berbeda.
Dalam koleksi Perhiasan Photo Editor Anda dapat memilih perhiasan kalung, set Kalung, Ear Rings, Ear Hangings, Diamond Jewellry Sets, perhiasan hidung, perhiasan cincin, perhiasan telinga, perhiasan cincin rambut, perhiasan mahkota rambut dan banyak lagi.
Jenis perhiasan yang akan Anda temukan di sini
-> Koleksi gaya Cincin dan Kalung / Anting yang indah.
-> Lebih dari 100 stiker trendi
-> Stiker Jenggot
-> Rotasi dan zoom mudah.
-> Lihat foto dalam aplikasi.
-> Bagikan foto buatan Anda dengan teman-teman melalui jejaring sosial seperti whatsapp, facebook, instagram, twitter.
-> Perhiasan DP Maker
-> Stiker cincin
-> Stiker rantai
-> stiker Tika
-> Kalung stiker
-> Anting stiker
-> Editor foto perhiasan untuk anak perempuan
-> Bingkai foto perhiasan
-> Riasan foto perhiasan
-> Editor foto perhiasan 2018
• Jhoomer
• Kalung Set
• Stud
• Telinga berdering
• Liontin
• Perhiasan pengantin
• Perhiasan tradisional
• Perhiasan antik
Silakan coba untuk memeriksa halaman Koleksi jika Anda tidak menemukan gambar yang disimpan di perangkat Anda.
• Aplikasi busana wanita dan wanita baru
• Toko etnik, Punjabi Amerika, dan perhiasan India selatan
• Koleksi perhiasan emas, perak, dan berlian saat ini dan trendi
• Gadis-gadis nyata toko perhiasan mewah dan bar gaya
• Toko perhiasan cepat seperti set kalung, jhumkas, cincin, lingkaran, brecelets
• Koleksi perhiasan pengantin modern seperti bindis, kerah leher, gelang kaki, sudut dan brecelts, cincin telinga, pins hidung, ikat pinggang dan cincin kawin
• Penyunting foto wanita dan editor gambar
• Semua aksesori wanita dengan kategori berbeda .... perhiasan antik, perhiasan yang dikurasi, perhiasan terakota, perhiasan candi dan perhiasan pir
• Berbagi foto yang sudah diedit di semua jejaring sosial
• Foto galeri dan aplikasi foto kamera
• Permata untuk semua jenis pesta dan fungsi
Bagaimana cara menggunakan Editor Foto Perhiasan untuk Anak Perempuan?
Pilih gambar dari galeri ponsel Anda atau dari kamera Anda. Pilih desain perhiasan yang ingin Anda coba. Putar, balik dan ubah ukuran perhiasan di tubuh Anda dan atur dengan sempurna dan mudah dalam editor editor / foto foto / editor gambar ini. Simpan gambar / gambar / foto yang diedit ke galeri Anda atau bagikan secara langsung di media sosial atau media lain.
Juga dikenal sebagai:
Editor foto perhiasan untuk anak perempuan, bingkai foto perhiasan, perhiasan foto makeup
, Editor Perhiasan Perhiasan, Editor foto perhiasan Pengubah foto, Perhiasan Booth Photo Montage.