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*JCGV mobile app provides the simplest and friendly user interface to buy movie tickets for your valuable moment.
*Since we care customer convenience always, provide safe and easy payments by cooperating with a variety of payment service provider not only the bank but also mobile money agent and convenience store chains.
Enjoy your app….
*Find out which movies are currently playing or coming soon.
*Check showtimes by movie or by location and get direction to the cinema through google map.
*Read the synopsis, cast and rating information as well as movie runtime.
*Watch movie trailers.
*Check showtimes by movie or by location.
*Choose your own seats on a real-time availability basis.
*Able to dial directly to hotline number for assistant through the app.
News, Event, and Activity
*Find the latest news from JCGV, including information regarding special features such as JCGV Premium Cinema.
*Find the lists of the event held in JCGV.
*Able to know the activities organized by JCGV.
Food & Beverage
*Find the menu of food and beverage available in JCGV
*Get a special offer.
*Find the promotion item to enjoy.
*Check the available movie souvenir.
*Get the details of any news, promotions that are being offered at any JCGV location.
*Received the booking and payment code for your confirmation.
*Save your picture, name, mobile number, birthday and gender but mail and address are optional.
*Push suggestion and complaint to JCGV customer service team.
*Track and save the history of your transactions.
* Read about JCGV ‘s vision, mission and core values.
Baca lebih lajut...
* Aplikasi seluler JCGV menyediakan antarmuka pengguna yang paling sederhana dan ramah untuk membeli tiket film untuk momen berharga Anda.
* Karena kami selalu menjaga kenyamanan pelanggan, berikan pembayaran yang aman dan mudah dengan bekerja sama dengan berbagai penyedia layanan pembayaran tidak hanya bank tetapi juga agen uang seluler dan rantai toko swalayan.
Nikmati aplikasi Anda ....
* Cari tahu film mana yang sedang diputar atau segera hadir.
* Periksa waktu tayang berdasarkan film atau lokasi dan dapatkan arahan ke bioskop melalui google map.
* Baca sinopsis, pemeran dan beri peringkat informasi serta runtime film.
* Tonton trailer film.
* Periksa waktu tayang berdasarkan film atau lokasi.
* Pilih tempat duduk Anda sendiri berdasarkan ketersediaan waktu nyata.
* Dapat menghubungi langsung ke nomor hotline untuk asisten melalui aplikasi.
Berita, Acara, dan Aktivitas
* Temukan berita terbaru dari JCGV, termasuk informasi mengenai fitur-fitur khusus seperti JCGV Premium Cinema.
* Temukan daftar acara yang diadakan di JCGV.
* Mampu mengetahui kegiatan yang diselenggarakan oleh JCGV.
makanan & Minuman
* Temukan menu makanan dan minuman yang tersedia di JCGV
* Dapatkan penawaran khusus.
* Temukan barang promosi untuk dinikmati.
* Periksa souvenir film yang tersedia.
* Dapatkan detail berita, promosi apa pun yang ditawarkan di lokasi JCGV mana pun.
* Menerima kode pemesanan dan pembayaran untuk konfirmasi Anda.
* Simpan gambar, nama, nomor ponsel, tanggal lahir dan jenis kelamin Anda, tetapi surat dan alamat bersifat opsional.
* Dorong saran dan keluhan ke tim layanan pelanggan JCGV.
* Lacak dan simpan riwayat transaksi Anda.
* Baca tentang visi, misi, dan nilai-nilai inti JCGV.
- Removed phone number recognition at login page
- Pending Purchase notification will not be clickable from now on