Insoundnia * Sleep Sounds & Relaxing Music

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Beat insomnia and start sleep by listening to
relaxing sounds
of rain, nature, white noise & meditation music.
Huge collections of relaxing sounds that will help you to relax and fall asleep. Create custom ambience with
nature sounds
rain sounds
white noise
, melodies, and much more. Over 120 free sounds you can explore offline:

Water Sounds
(Light Rain, Rain Storm, Rain On Umbrella, Rain on Window, Water Drops, Waves, Waterfall, Seaside, Brook, Creek, Stream, Fountain, Bamboo Fountain, Under Water, Air Bubble, Shower, Lake, Dam)

Nature Sounds
(Fire Crackles, Close Thunder, Distance Thunder, Outdoor Wind, Wind on Window, Forest, Jungle)

Animal Sounds
(Finch Bird, Cricket, Cicada, Seagull, Frog, Mocking Bird, Black Bird, Dove Bird, Cat Meow, Cat Purr, Barn Owl, Tawny Owl, Pigeon, Wolf, Dog, Hens, Rooster, Duck, Sheep, Cow, Horse, Bee, Whale)

Noise Sounds
: (White Noise, Pink Noise, Brown Noise)

Meditation Music
(Choir, Duduk, Flute, Tibetian Bell, Tibetian Bowl, Wind Chime, Zen Gong)

(Binaural Beats, Isochronic Tones)

(Coffee Shop, Carnival, Restaurant, Cocktail Party, Chalkboard, Classroom, Library, Dining Table, Playground, Long Sshh, Short Sshh, Adult Snoring, Baby Snoring, Concrete Footstep, Wet Footstep, Pen Click, Man's Cough, Radio Commander, Heartbeat)

(City Ambience, Construction, Airport, Police Sirene, Old Car, Inside Train, Train Passing)

(Wall Clock, Grandpa Clock, Coffee Maker, Keyboard Typing, Hair Dryer, Oscillating Fan, Vacuum Cleaner, Washing Machine)

(Meditation Improptu, Music Box, Gymnopedie, The Hanging Tree, Brahms, Midnight Breeze, Stereo, Rock a Bye Baby, Stereotype)

(Eating Chips, Mouth Sound, Nap Time, Brushing Teeth, Wrapping Gift, Humming)

Affirmation Words
(Sleep, It's Okay, You're Safe, Successful, New Day)
Create your own ambience by combine your favorite sounds into a new playable favorite mix. Just choose the sounds you like, set the volume and name your new mix, for example:
- Coffee shop ambience
- Night ambience
- Classroom ambience
- Beach ambience
- City ambience
And much more...
Insoundnia is not limited for relaxation or sleep but also for meditation, concentration, or affirmation. It contains some affirmative words from woman voice, like:
- Sleep
- Everything will be okay
- You can be successful
- You are safe
- Tomorrow is a new day
Insoundnia does not require internet connection to download additional sleep sounds. You can use it anywhere offline. You also able to set timer that will automatically stop sounds when you sleep.

Count The Sheep
Count Those All Cute Sheep Jumping Over Fence Until You Fell Asleep

To Do List
Boost productivity by arranging all activity in a to do list

Forum Discussion
Discuss and connect with other users in an online forum discussion
Main Features:
✔️ Free 130 high quality sleep sounds
✔️ Animation nature scenery
✔️ Favorite and predefined sound mixes
✔️ 100% Offline No Internet Required
✔️ Works on background process
✔️ Adjust volume for each sound
✔️ Lullaby music and humming sound for baby
✔️ Beat insomnia and anxiety with binaural beats
✔️ Relaxing sounds to help you sleep better and relaxing body and mind
✔️ Count the sheep animation
✔️ To do list tool
✔️ Forum Discussion
All content is available free with no additional purchase. The only purchase is when you decide make a donation to remove little banner ads below the screen.
Mengalahkan insomnia dan mulai tidur dengan mendengarkan
santai suara hujan, alam, white noise & musik meditasi.
koleksi besar santai suara yang akan membantu Anda untuk bersantai dan jatuh tertidur. Buat suasana kustom dengan
suara alam ,
suara hujan ,
white noise , melodi, dan banyak lagi. Lebih dari 120 bebas suara Anda dapat menjelajahi secara offline:

Suara Air (Hujan Ringan, Hujan Badai, Hujan Pada Payung, Rain pada Window, Drops Air, Gelombang, Air Terjun, Seaside, Brook, Creek, Stream, Fountain, Bambu Fountain, Under Water, Air Bubble , shower, Danau, Dam)

Alam Suara (Api Crackles, Tutup Guntur, Jarak Guntur, Outdoor Angin, Angin pada Window, Hutan, Jungle)

Sounds Animal (Finch Bird, Cricket, Cicada, Seagull, Frog, Mocking Bird, Black Bird, Dove Bird, Cat Meow, Kucing Purr, Barn Owl, Tawny Owl, Pigeon, Wolf, Dog, Hens , Ayam, Bebek, Domba, Sapi, Kuda, Bee, Paus)

Kebisingan Suara : (White Noise, Pink Noise, Brown Kebisingan)

Meditasi Musik (Choir, Duduk, Flute, Tibetian Bell, Tibetian Bowl, Angin berpadu, Zen Gong)

Gelombang otak (Binaural Beats, Isochronic Tones)

Orang (Coffee Shop, Carnival, Restaurant, Cocktail Party, Papan tulis, Kelas, Perpustakaan, Dining Table, Playground, Long Sshh, pendek Sshh, Dewasa Mendengkur, Bayi Mendengkur, footstep Beton, Wet footstep, Pen klik, Batuk Man, Radio Komandan, Heartbeat)

Perkotaan (Kota Ambience, Konstruksi, Bandara, Polisi Sirene, Old Car, dalam Kereta, Kereta Passing)

Rumah Tangga (Jam Dinding, Kakek Jam, Coffee Maker, Keyboard Mengetik, pengering rambut, Osilasi Fan, Vacuum Cleaner, Mesin Cuci)

Melody (Meditasi improptu, Music Box, Gymnopedie, The Hanging Tree, Brahms, Midnight Breeze, Stereo, Rock a Bye Baby, Stereotype)

ASMR (Eating Chips, Mulut Sound, Nap Time, Menyikat Gigi, Wrapping Hadiah, Humming)

Penegasan Kata-kata (Sleep, Ini Oke, Anda Aman, Sukses, New Day)
Buat suasana Anda sendiri dengan menggabungkan musik favorit ke dalam campuran favorit baru dimainkan. Hanya memilih suara yang Anda suka, mengatur volume dan nama campuran baru Anda, misalnya:
- suasana toko kopi
- Malam suasana
- Suasana Kelas
- Pantai suasana
- Kota suasana
Dan banyak lagi...
Insoundnia tidak terbatas untuk relaksasi atau tidur, tetapi juga untuk meditasi, konsentrasi, atau penegasan. Ini berisi beberapa kata afirmatif dari wanita suara, seperti:
- Tidur
- Segalanya akan baik-baik saja
- Anda bisa sukses
- Kamu aman
- Besok adalah hari baru
Insoundnia tidak memerlukan koneksi internet untuk men-download suara tidur tambahan. Anda dapat menggunakannya di mana saja secara offline. Anda juga dapat mengatur timer yang secara otomatis akan menghentikan suara saat Anda tidur.

Hitung The Sheep
Menghitung Mereka Jumping Domba Semua Lucu Selama Pagar Sampai Anda Fell Asleep

To Do List
Meningkatkan produktivitas dengan mengatur semua aktivitas dalam daftar untuk melakukan

Forum Diskusi
Diskusikan dan terhubung dengan pengguna lain dalam diskusi forum secara online
Fitur utama:
✔️ Gratis 130 suara tidur berkualitas tinggi
✔️ Animasi pemandangan alam
✔️ Favorit dan telah ditetapkan campuran suara
✔️ 100% Offline Tidak ada Internet Diperlukan
✔️ Bekerja pada proses latar belakang
✔️ Sesuaikan volume untuk setiap suara
✔️ musik Lullaby dan bersenandung suara untuk bayi
✔️ Mengalahkan insomnia dan kecemasan dengan binaural beats
✔️ Bersantai suara untuk membantu Anda tidur lebih baik dan santai tubuh dan pikiran
✔️ Hitung animasi domba
✔️ Untuk melakukan daftar alat
✔️ Forum Diskusi
Semua konten tersedia gratis tanpa pembelian tambahan. Satu-satunya pembelian adalah ketika Anda memutuskan membuat sumbangan untuk menghapus iklan banner kecil di bawah layar.

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Yang Terbaru Insoundnia

Hello, now you can access over 120++ relaxing sleep sounds from various category. 100% Offline & Free.
New Features:
- Count The Sheep
- To Do List Tool
- Forum Discussion



Versi: 1.5

Butuh: Android 4.1 or later



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