Ileana D'Cruz Wallpapers
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Ileana D'Cruz Wallpapers application provides a large number of high quality wallpapers such as Ileana D Cruz New HD Wallpapers.
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Ileana D'Cruz (born 1 November 1987) is an Indian film actress who predominantly appears in Telugu and Hindi films.
D'Cruz won the Filmfare Award for Best Female Debut – South for the 2006 Telugu film Devadasu. She established herself in Telugu cinema with such commercially successful films as Pokiri (2006), Jalsa (2008), Kick (2009) and Julayi (2012). In Tamil cinema, D'Cruz has starred in Kedi (2006) and Shankar's Nanban (2012).
In 2012, D'Cruz made her Hindi film debut with Anurag Basu's critically and commercially successful Barfi!, for which she received critical appreciation and several accolades, including the Filmfare Award for Best Female Debut. She went on to play the lead female roles in the action comedies Phata Poster Nikhla Hero (2013) and Main Tera Hero (2014), the romantic comedy Happy Ending (2014), the crime thriller Rustom (2016), the heist-drama Baadshaho (2017), and the crime drama Raid (2018).
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Ileana D'Cruz (lahir November 1987 1) adalah seorang aktris film India yang didominasi muncul di Telugu dan Hindi film.
D'Cruz memenangkan Filmfare Award untuk Debut Terbaik Wanita - Selatan untuk 2006 Film Telugu Devadasu. Dia menetapkan dirinya di Telugu bioskop dengan film-film sukses secara komersial seperti Pokiri (2006), Jalsah (2008), Jurus (2009) dan Julayi (2012). Di Tamil bioskop, D'Cruz telah membintangi Kedi (2006) dan Shankar Nanban (2012).
Pada tahun 2012, D'Cruz membuatnya debut film Hindi dengan Anurag Basu ini kritis dan sukses secara komersial Barfi !, dimana ia menerima penghargaan kritis dan beberapa penghargaan, termasuk Filmfare Award untuk Debut Terbaik Wanita. Dia melanjutkan untuk bermain peran wanita utama dalam film komedi aksi Phata Poster Nikhla Hero (2013) dan Main Tera Hero (2014), film komedi romantis Happy Ending (2014), film thriller kejahatan Rustom (2016), pencurian-drama Baadshaho (2017), dan drama kejahatan Raid (2018).
Ileana D'Cruz Wallpapers - Images, Photos, Pictures for Mobile in HD