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The IasiMUN companion app provides all the materials delegates need inside as well as outside the conference.
Delegates coming outside the city of Iași are advised in terms of how to get around the city, and those coming from outside the school are given the map of the institution to get around the committee rooms more easily.
Delegates are also provided with information on the committees, such as topics, chairpersons, schedules, and study guides. They can even download resolutions directly from the app once they have gone through the vetting process.
The Rules of Procedure of IasiMUN are downloadable directly from the app, in their entirety as well as separated in chapters.
You can also find out more about the conference its history and the team of people behind it, and read the IasiMUN Observer, directly through the app.
See you in the committee, delegates, and may the debates be ever more fruitful!
Aplikasi pendamping IasiMUN menyediakan semua bahan yang dibutuhkan oleh delegasi di dalam maupun di luar konferensi.
Delegasi yang datang ke luar kota Iași disarankan dalam hal bagaimana untuk berkeliling kota, dan mereka yang datang dari luar sekolah diberikan peta institusi untuk berkeliling di ruang komite lebih mudah.
Delegasi juga diberikan informasi tentang komite, seperti topik, ketua, jadwal, dan panduan belajar. Mereka bahkan dapat mengunduh resolusi langsung dari aplikasi begitu mereka telah melalui proses pemeriksaan.
Aturan Prosedur IasiMUN dapat diunduh langsung dari aplikasi, secara keseluruhan dan terpisah dalam bab-bab.
Anda juga dapat mengetahui lebih banyak tentang konferensi ini, sejarahnya dan tim orang-orang di belakangnya, dan membaca Pengamat IasiMUN, langsung melalui aplikasi.
Sampai jumpa di komite, delegasi, dan semoga debat menjadi lebih bermanfaat!

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Versi: 1.0.0

Butuh: Android 4.1 or later



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