Hotel Sea Pearl- Built and managed by ZingoHotels

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This is an official app of the Hotel Sea Pearl, Powered by ZingoHotels.
Hotel Sea Pearl app was Created by Zingo Hotels to manage daily reservations and operations at the property. Focus on Running your Hotel and Leave The Technology Management To Us.
Zingo Provides Complete end to end solutions from Property Management to Operations of your property. Every feature we build is developed with our Hotel partners. It is their vision of the future and we think you will like it, too.
This official app of Hotel Sea Pearl is Proudly Designed, Built and Managed By: Zingo Hotels.
App Features:-
Daily Reservation,
Guest History
Daily Revenue, Weekly Revenue, Monthly Revenue
Daily report, Weekly Report, Monthly Report,
Quick Bookings
Guest Reviews,
Account Settlement
Multiple Login and many more
To Get the app for your hotel please contact us at ""
Ini adalah sebuah aplikasi resmi dari Hotel Sea Pearl, Powered by ZingoHotels.
Hotel Sea Pearl aplikasi yang dibuat oleh Zingo Hotel untuk mengelola pemesanan harian dan operasi di properti. Fokus pada Running Hotel dan Tinggalkan The Teknologi Manajemen kepada kami.
 Zingo Menyediakan Lengkap ujung ke ujung solusi dari Manajemen Properti untuk Operasi properti Anda. Setiap fitur kita membangun dikembangkan dengan mitra Hotel kami. Ini adalah visi mereka tentang masa depan dan kami pikir Anda akan menyukainya juga.
 Ini aplikasi resmi dari Hotel Sea Pearl Bangga Dirancang, dibangun dan dikelola oleh: Zingo Hotel.
App Fitur: -
Reservation harian,
Sejarah tamu
Pendapatan Harian, Mingguan Pendapatan, Pendapatan Bulanan
laporan harian, Laporan Mingguan, Laporan Bulanan,
Pemesanan cepat
Ulasan tamu,
Penyelesaian akun
Beberapa Login dan banyak lagi
Mendapatkan aplikasi untuk hotel anda silahkan hubungi kami di ""

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Yang Terbaru Hotel App

This is an official app of the Hotel Sea Pearl, Powered by ZingoHotels. To Get the app for your hotel please contact us at ""



Versi: 1.0.6

Butuh: Android 4.1 or later



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