HSCF WCCRM Hymns And Songs for Christian Fellowshi

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Musik & Audio | 5.5MB


The Hymns and Songs for Christian Fellowship HSCF contains 300 songs of the Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement. The Hymn is used worldwide in all Watchman locations worldwide.
You can use the hymn for praise and worship, devotionals and other genre of Gospel Worship.
Himne dan Lagu untuk Fellowship Christian HSCF berisi 300 lagu dari Gerakan Pembaharuan Karismatik Karunia Watchman. Hymne digunakan di seluruh dunia di semua lokasi Watchman di seluruh dunia.
Anda dapat menggunakan nyanyian pujian dan penyembahan, kebaktian dan genre penyembahan Injil lainnya.

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Yang Terbaru Hymns and Songs for Christian Fellowship

Some corrections have been made to the hymns



Versi: 1.0.1

Butuh: Android 4.1 or later



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