Fotografi | 2.9MB
You can take top quality photos with the professional camera which is prepared with attention to user satisfaction.
Professional Camera Full featured and completely free Camera app for Android phones and tablets.
* ISO option.
* Night mode. Sunset mode.
* Flash options. Turn it on and off.
* Using the effect feature.
* Focus
* Video capture
* Switch between front and rear camera.
* Timer
* Color and brightness settings.
* White balance. (Fluorescent, light bulb, automatic and cloudy.)
* Color effect. (sepia, sunlight, pastel, mosaic, red tones, blue tones, water, pastel)
* More shots.
* Improved features.
* Zoom in.
* Exposure settings.
* Scene mode. (night, candle light, party, beach, sunset, portrait)
* Measurement mode.
* Display settings.
* Automatic setting
* Shrink settings.
* Multi shot
* HD video, video quality adjustment.
* Resolution is too high.
* Camera program free.
* Capable of taking many pictures with one touch.
* Advanced settings for the front camera.
* Selfie. The most beautiful photos.
* Entering location information
Anda dapat mengambil foto kualitas dengan kamera profesional yang siap dengan memperhatikan kepuasan pengguna.
Profesional Kamera fitur dan benar-benar bebas penuh aplikasi Kamera untuk ponsel Android dan tablet.
* Pilihan ISO.
* Mode malam. Modus matahari terbenam.
* Pilihan Flash. Menghidupkan dan mematikan.
* Menggunakan fitur efek.
* Fokus
* Video capture
* Beralih antara kamera depan dan belakang.
* Timer
* Warna dan kecerahan pengaturan.
* White balance. (Fluorescent, bola lampu, otomatis dan berawan.)
* Efek warna. (Sepia, sinar matahari, pastel, mosaik, warna merah, nada biru, air, pastel)
* Lebih tembakan.
* Peningkatan fitur.
* Perbesar.
* Pengaturan Exposure.
* Scene mode. (Malam, cahaya lilin, pesta, pantai, matahari terbenam, potret)
* Mode pengukuran.
* Pengaturan tampilan.
* Pengaturan Otomatis
* Pengaturan Shrink.
Multi ditembak
* Video HD, penyesuaian kualitas video.
* Resolusi terlalu tinggi.
* Program Kamera bebas.
* Mampu mengambil banyak gambar dengan satu sentuhan.
* Pengaturan lanjutan untuk kamera depan.
* Selfie. Foto-foto yang paling indah.
* Informasi lokasi Memasukkan