GehueGuru Quant
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©2016 by the Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun, India. Except where otherwise noted, Critical Thinking & Social Media Technology is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License:
Caveat: This course material was published to support the learning of students registered with Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun, India. Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun, India does not grant any degree, certification or credits based solely on your completion of this course material.
Welcome to the course on “Quantitative skills for competitive exams”.
The course material titled “Quantitative skills for competitive exams” has been produced by GRAPHIC ERA HILL UNIVERSITY, Dehradun, India as a part of the Open Schools initiative of Commonwealth of Learning. (COL).
The course overview:-
The course overview gives you a general introduction to the course. Information contained in the course overview will help you determine:
If the course is suitable for you.
What you will already need to know.
What you can expect from the course.
How much time you will need to invest to complete the course.
The overview also provides guidance on:
Study skills.
Where to get help.
Course assignments and assessments.
Features of Application-
* Tutorials
* Examples
* Activities
* Information form where you can directly connect with the Instructors and app users
About Developers:-
Yash Verma (BCA Batch 2015- 2018)
Vaishali Gurung (BCA Batch 2015- 2018)
Adarsh Pant (BCA Batch 2015- 2018)
Under the guidance of-
Mr. Ishteyaaq Ahmad
School of Computing
Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun
© 2016 oleh Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun, India. Kecuali jika dinyatakan, Berpikir Kritis & Media Teknologi Sosial dibuat tersedia di bawah Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Internasional (CC BY 4.0) Lisensi: Peringatan: materi kuliah ini diterbitkan untuk mendukung pembelajaran siswa terdaftar Grafis Era Hill University, Dehradun, India. Grafis Era Hill University, Dehradun, India tidak memberikan gelar apapun, sertifikasi atau kredit hanya berdasarkan penyelesaian Anda bahan kursus ini. Selamat datang di kursus pada “keterampilan kuantitatif untuk ujian kompetitif”. Materi kursus berjudul “keterampilan kuantitatif untuk ujian kompetitif” telah diproduksi oleh GRAPHIC ERA HILL UNIVERSITY, Dehradun, India sebagai bagian dari inisiatif Sekolah Terbuka dari Commonwealth of Learning. (COL). -------------------------------------------------- --------
Gambaran saja: -The gambaran saja memberikan pengenalan umum untuk kursus. Informasi yang terkandung dalam perjalanan gambaran akan membantu Anda menentukan: Jika program ini cocok untuk Anda. Apa Anda sudah perlu tahu. Apa yang dapat Anda harapkan dari kursus. Berapa banyak waktu yang Anda akan perlu berinvestasi untuk menyelesaikan kursus.
gambaran ini juga menyediakan pedoman: Studi keterampilan. Dimana untuk mendapatkan bantuan. tugas saja dan penilaian. Unit. -------------------------------------------------- ---------------
Fitur Aplikasi- * Tutorial * Contoh * Kegiatan * bentuk Informasi di mana Anda dapat langsung terhubung dengan Instruktur dan pengguna aplikasi -------------------------- ----------------------------------------
Tentang Pengembang: -Yash Verma (BCA Batch 2015- 2018)
Vaishali Gurung (BCA Batch 2015- 2018)
Adarsh Pant (BCA Batch 2015- 2018)
Di bawah bimbingan-Mr. Ishteyaaq Ahmad School of ComputingGraphic Era Hill University, Dehradun
Bugs Fixed