File Manager
Produktivitas | 6.9MB
File Manager File Explorer
is the simplest File Manager App to manage files like Images, movies, documents, Music, apps in your mobile.
• File Commander - File Manager, Explorer
External File Manager
: Access files, Storage backup, USB Flash Drive manager.
Audio Manager
: File Manager for Mp3 Files, Ringtone Manager
App Manager
: Delete Apps, Manage App Storage
• Phone Manager & File Viewer
Access files and manage storage with File Manager
: File explorer to access downloads, copy and paste files, delete files, transfer files, backup files, show hidden files, compress files.
Storage Manager
: Save Space by deleting files with our disk cleaner and extract compressed files or transfer compressed files in ZIP, RAR, APK, TAR, BIN, Bookmark and TBZ formats. GM Files saves files to usb flash drive (microSD) with on the go (OTG), delete files, share files, and transfer files.
• App Manager
Backup Apps
Unistall Apps
Share Apps
Play Store App Link
File Manager File Explorer
is a free, secure tool that helps you find file faster, manage files easily, and share them offline with others. File Explorer supports tons of cool features: quick search, moving, deleting, opening, and sharing files, as well as renaming, unzipping, and copy-paste.
My File Manager
also recognizes multiple file formats, including music, videos, images, documents, APKs and zip-files.
Download file manager app now, If you want a best File Manager - File Explorer tool of Android manager tools.
File Manager File Explorer
adalah File Manager App paling sederhana untuk mengelola file seperti Gambar, film, dokumen, Musik, aplikasi di ponsel Anda.
• Komandan File - Manajer File, Explorer
Manajer File Eksternal
: Akses file, Cadangan penyimpanan, Manajer Drive Flash USB.
Manajer Audio
: Manajer File untuk File Mp3, Manajer Ringtone
Manajer Aplikasi
: Hapus Aplikasi, Kelola Penyimpanan Aplikasi
• Manajer Telepon & Penampil Arsip
Mengakses file dan mengelola penyimpanan dengan Manajer File
: File explorer untuk mengakses unduhan, menyalin dan menempel file, menghapus file, mentransfer file, file cadangan, menampilkan file tersembunyi, mengompres file.
Manajer Penyimpanan
: Menghemat Ruang dengan menghapus file dengan pembersih disk kami dan mengekstrak file terkompresi atau mentransfer file terkompresi dalam format ZIP, RAR, APK, TAR, BIN, Bookmark, dan TBZ. File GM menyimpan file ke USB flash drive (microSD) dengan di mana saja (OTG), menghapus file, berbagi file, dan mentransfer file.
• Manajer Aplikasi
Aplikasi Cadangan
Unistall Apps
Bagikan Aplikasi
Tautan Aplikasi Play Store
File Manager File Explorer
adalah alat gratis dan aman yang membantu Anda menemukan file lebih cepat, mengelola file dengan mudah, dan membaginya secara offline dengan orang lain. File Explorer mendukung banyak fitur keren: pencarian cepat, memindahkan, menghapus, membuka, dan berbagi file, serta mengganti nama, membuka ritsleting, dan menyalin-menempel.
Manajer File Saya
juga mengenali banyak format file, termasuk musik, video, gambar, dokumen, APK, dan file zip.
Unduh aplikasi pengelola file sekarang, Jika Anda menginginkan File Manager terbaik - File Explorer tool dari alat manajer Android.