FIVARS VR Festival

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Events | 23.1MB


All the info you need about the FIVARS Festival of International Virtual & Augmented Reality Stories including catalog, ticket links, schedule and many extras! You can now see all this year's and previous selections at a glance, get news updates, learn about the festival and its history and even check the local weather.
We look forward to your feedback.
Semua info yang Anda butuhkan tentang FIVARS Festival Virtual & Augmented Reality Cerita Internasional termasuk katalog, link tiket, jadwal dan banyak tambahan! Anda sekarang dapat melihat semua tahun ini dan pilihan sebelumnya sekilas, mendapatkan update berita, belajar tentang festival dan sejarah dan bahkan memeriksa cuaca lokal.
Kami berharap untuk umpan balik Anda.

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Yang Terbaru FIVARS

Switched to Firebase backend.
Many minor updates and optimizations.
Added content updates in preparation for FIVARS 2018.
Removed request for user location (removed Weather and maps features).
Minor cosmetic updates. More to follow!



Versi: 4.0

Butuh: Android 4.4 or later



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