Dr Paras K Shah

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Quality of treatment is paramount for anyone while choosing a hospital. This is why Sannidhya Multi-Speciality Hospital appears at the forefront in providing treatment that values your life above anything else. We ensure that the medical care we deliver is in a comfortable and convenient environment which means peace of mind for the patient and their families. We are dedicated to taking care of our patients, and are proud of the high standards of medical care that we provide.
Sannidhya Multi-Speciality Hospital in Ahmedabad is a 30-bed tertiary-care flagship unit, fully equipped with modern medicinal machines and exclusive services for Gynecologist-Maternity, General Surgery, Medicine, Urology, Orthopedic, Knee-HIP Replacement Centre, Pediatric, Sexology, Gupt Rog, Fertility & IVF, Diabetic Clinic, Stone Clinic, Menopause Clinic, Prostate Clinic, Laparoscopy & Endoscopy Surgery, Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery, Vaccination Clinic, NICU, T.M.T, Pathology, Sonography, Digital X-ray, 24 Hours Pharmacy, Exclusive Health Checkup, Round The Clock Emergency Service.
Website : http://www.bestsexologistindia.com
Kualitas pengobatan sangat penting bagi siapa pun saat memilih rumah sakit. Inilah sebabnya mengapa Sannidhya Rumah Sakit Multi-khusus muncul di garis terdepan dalam memberikan perawatan yang menghargai hidup Anda di atas apa pun. Kami memastikan bahwa perawatan medis kami memberikan adalah di lingkungan yang nyaman dan nyaman yang berarti ketenangan pikiran untuk pasien dan keluarga mereka. Kami berdedikasi untuk merawat pasien kami, dan bangga dengan standar tinggi perawatan medis yang kami sediakan.
Sannidhya Rumah Sakit Multi-khusus di Ahmedabad adalah 30-tempat tidur Unit perawatan tersier andalannya, dilengkapi dengan mesin obat modern dan layanan eksklusif untuk Kandungan-Melahirkan, Bedah Umum, Kedokteran, Urologi, Ortopedi, Knee-HIP Replacement Pusat, Pediatric, Seksologi , Gupt Rog, Fertility & IVF, Klinik Diabetes, Batu Clinic, Menopause Clinic, Prostat Clinic, Laparoskopi & Endoskopi Bedah, Bedah Plastik & Kosmetik, Vaksinasi Clinic, NICU, TMT, Patologi, Sonografi, Digital X-ray, 24 Jam Farmasi, eksklusif Kesehatan Pemeriksaan, Round The Jam Layanan Darurat.
Website: http://www.bestsexologistindia.com

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