Kesehatan & Kebugaran | 11.2MB
Natural Health Counseling based on the principals of the Holistic Healing Philosophy. Programs are custom-designed for each individual. These programs are not for the purpose of diagnosing or prescribing, or the treatment of specific diseases. The programs are used to educate the individuals so they will be able to assist their doctors in the restoration and preservation of their health. Dr. Rabb has conducted seminars and made guest appearances on radio programs, television talk shows, and Health Panels in various cities throughout the United States .
Konseling Kesehatan Alami berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip Filosofi Penyembuhan Holistik. Program dirancang khusus untuk setiap individu. Program-program ini bukan untuk tujuan mendiagnosis atau meresepkan, atau pengobatan penyakit tertentu. Program ini digunakan untuk mendidik individu sehingga mereka dapat membantu dokter mereka dalam pemulihan dan pelestarian kesehatan mereka. Rabb telah mengadakan seminar dan membuat penampilan tamu di program radio, acara bincang-bincang televisi, dan Panel Kesehatan di berbagai kota di seluruh Amerika Serikat.