Chhath Puja WallPaper HD
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Chhath Puja is an important festival for Hindus. The name of festive days as well as the rituals of Chhat Puja vary significantly among Hindus, based on the region of India.
Chhat Puja is One of the Most Important festival of India Specially for Bihar and Eastern Uttar Pradesh of India and the Madhesh of Nepal.
It's mainly origin was in Biha.The Chhath Puja is dedicated to the Sun and his wife Usha in order to thank them for bestowing the bounties of life on earth and to request the granting of certain wishes. This festival is observed by Nepalis and Indian people, along with their diaspora .
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Chhath Puja adalah festival penting bagi umat Hindu. Nama hari raya serta ritual Chhat Puja bervariasi secara signifikan di antara umat Hindu, berdasarkan wilayah India.
Chhat Puja adalah Salah Satu festival Paling Penting di India Khusus untuk Bihar dan Timur Uttar Pradesh di India dan Madhesh di Nepal.
Asal muasalnya adalah di Biha. Chhath Puja berdedikasi kepada Sun dan istrinya Usha untuk mengucapkan terima kasih kepada mereka karena menganugerahkan karunia hidup di bumi dan untuk meminta pemberian keinginan tertentu. Festival ini diamati oleh orang Nepal dan India, bersama dengan diaspora mereka.
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