Campus Chrome
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Campus Chrome is the culmination of many miles traveled, many conversations with business owners, and many sleepless nights. It’s the answer to a need that has not been met on this scale before. Campus life can be expensive. Now you can save while living the college experience.
Campus Chrome is connecting students with the community around them. Students can claim deals from local businesses in their college town and save on the things they need and the places they go. Campus Chrome is the vehicle small businesses need to showcase their talents to the community around them.
Kampus Chrome adalah puncak dari banyak mil perjalanan, banyak percakapan dengan pemilik bisnis, dan banyak tidur malam. Ini jawaban untuk kebutuhan yang belum terpenuhi pada skala ini sebelumnya. kehidupan kampus bisa mahal. Sekarang Anda dapat menyimpan sementara hidup pengalaman perguruan tinggi.
Kampus Chrome menghubungkan siswa dengan masyarakat di sekitar mereka. Siswa dapat mengklaim penawaran dari bisnis lokal di kota perguruan tinggi mereka dan menyimpan pada hal-hal yang mereka butuhkan dan tempat mereka pergi. Kampus Chrome adalah kendaraan usaha kecil perlu untuk menampilkan bakat mereka kepada masyarakat di sekitar mereka.
In this version we have just refreshed the look and feel of the app making the user experience even better.
- Business location map added to the deals
- Business names added to deal images
- Better visually appealing category icons
- New Splash Screen
- Better resource screen looks
- Campus Chrome TV
Find your favorite deals with the same functionality as before and more!