Camera Oppo F9 - Perfect Selfie
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Camera oppo f9 selfie - Selfie camera for oppo f9 is very lightweight and easy to use. We offer more than 100 frame pips and 100 photo collages from Oppo F9 selfie. Our Camera oppo f9 selfie - Selfie camera for oppo f9 app allows you to add filters to the background or the foreground Photo background are automatically blurred and blurred background of a photo of a square will make you share entire photo easily. Decorate your selfie with funny emoji, cool stickers and text. photo filters are including in Camera oppo f9 selfie - Selfie camera for oppo f9 and still updating
Camera oppo f9 selfie - Selfie camera for oppo f9 will bring all the features of Oppo camera, style, layout and color of the new camera that you can see is the spotlight F9 Camera AI selfie. Some functions are added like Camera AI of Oppo F9
In addition Camera oppo f9 selfie - Selfie camera for oppo f9 the AI will distinguish the scene and object directly so that helps process the image as desired in order to get the balance between brightness and color. F9 supports up to 16 different scenes and objects.
Features :
- DSLR mode
- And full efect Selfie Camera For Oppo F9
- Beauty cam
- 25 And 36 Megapixels
- iso manual or auto setting
- Wide screen pictures
- Picture quality setting
- Stamp camera
- camera oppo find x
- Image stabilization (or anti-shake)
- oppo camera timer
- Snap by volume keys
- Semi Automatic Mode
- Camera of F9 , video recorder & panorama features
- White balance settings(Incandescent, Fluorescent, Auto, Daylight,Cloudy)
- Screen mode settings(Action, Night, Sunset, Play)
- Dynamic user interface (phone/tablet)
- Pinch to zoom Camera Oppo F9 Selfie
- Smart panorama shooting
- selfie plus
- Program Mode
- Auto Depth-Of Field
- Full Manual Mode / Manual Mode
Camera oppo f9 is the best and most powerful camera app available. A complete rewrite of the original Camera+ that sold over 14 million copies, Camera oppo f9 pro is better, faster and stronger than ever.
A lot of things have happened in the 8 years since we first released the original oppo camera. oppo cameras have improved dramatically - not only in terms of sheer optical quality, but also in the array of technical and creative tools they provide. foundation on which to incorporate the advances we'll see coming with every new camera oppo f9 release. The result of that effort is Camera oppo f9 pro, and we are incredibly proud of it. It preserves the personality of the classic app you love,
Camera oppo f9 selfie - Kamera selfie untuk oppo f9 sangat ringan dan mudah digunakan. Kami menawarkan lebih dari 100 bingkai foto dan 100 kolase foto dari selfie Oppo F9. Camera oppo f9 selfie kami - Kamera selfie untuk aplikasi oppo f9 memungkinkan Anda untuk menambahkan filter ke latar belakang atau latar belakang Foto latar depan secara otomatis buram dan latar belakang buram foto persegi akan membuat Anda berbagi seluruh foto dengan mudah. Hiasi selfie Anda dengan emoji lucu, stiker dan teks keren. filter foto termasuk dalam Camera oppo f9 selfie - Kamera selfie untuk oppo f9 dan masih memperbarui
Camera oppo f9 selfie - Kamera selfie untuk oppo f9 akan menghadirkan semua fitur kamera Oppo, gaya, tata letak, dan warna kamera baru yang dapat Anda lihat adalah sorotan F9 Camera AI selfie. Beberapa fungsi ditambahkan seperti Camera AI dari Oppo F9
Selain itu Camera oppo f9 selfie - Kamera selfie untuk oppo f9 AI akan membedakan adegan dan objek secara langsung sehingga membantu memproses gambar yang diinginkan untuk mendapatkan keseimbangan antara kecerahan dan warna. F9 mendukung hingga 16 adegan dan objek yang berbeda.
Fitur :
- Mode DSLR
- Dan Selfie Camera efek penuh untuk Oppo F9
- Kamera kecantikan
- 25 Dan 36 Megapiksel
- Pengaturan manual atau otomatis iso
- Gambar layar lebar
- Pengaturan kualitas gambar
- Stempel kamera
- Oposisi kamera menemukan x
- Stabilisasi gambar (atau anti-guncangan)
- Timer kamera oposisi
- Jepret dengan tombol volume
- Mode Semi Otomatis
- Kamera F9, perekam video & fitur panorama
- Pengaturan white balance (Pijar, Fluoresen, Otomatis, Siang hari, Berawan)
- Pengaturan mode layar (Aksi, Malam, Matahari Terbenam, Putar)
- Antarmuka pengguna yang dinamis (ponsel / tablet)
- Pinch to zoom Camera Oppo F9 Selfie
- Pemotretan panorama cerdas
- selfie plus
- Mode Program
- Bidang Kedalaman Otomatis
- Mode Manual Penuh / Mode Manual
Camera oppo f9 adalah aplikasi kamera terbaik dan paling kuat yang tersedia. Menulis ulang lengkap Camera + asli yang terjual lebih dari 14 juta kopi, Camera oppo f9 pro lebih baik, lebih cepat, dan lebih kuat dari sebelumnya.
Banyak hal telah terjadi dalam 8 tahun sejak kami pertama kali merilis kamera oposisi asli. kamera oposisi telah meningkat secara dramatis - tidak hanya dalam hal kualitas optik semata, tetapi juga dalam berbagai alat teknis dan kreatif yang mereka sediakan. dasar untuk menggabungkan kemajuan kita akan melihat datang dengan setiap rilis kamera oposisi f9 baru. Hasil dari upaya itu adalah Camera oppo f9 pro, dan kami sangat bangga karenanya. Ini menjaga kepribadian aplikasi klasik yang Anda sukai,
Perbarui: 2019-02-20
Versi: 01.01.2019
Butuh: Android 4.2 or later