Camera For Oppo A71
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Camera applications For oppo A71 applications exceed the perfection limit of each shot of your phone.
Features are also easy and enough to sustain jeprat activity you snip the field, weather, and even in dark conditions.
- Shot on
- Pinch to zoom
- Smart shooting
- Wide screen picture
- Picture quality setting
- Watermark image
- Camera V9, video recorder & panorama features
- White balance settings (Incandescent, Fluorescent, Auto, Daylight, Cloudy)
- Screen mode settings (Action, Night, Sunset, Play)
- Dynamic user interface (phone / tablet)
- Camera filters
- Beauty Selfie Camera
- HD camera, 16: 9 and 4: 3
- Funny selfie Camera
- easy to selfie Camera
- Pinch to zoom in / out
- Touch to focus
- rear camera and front Camera
- Exposure compensation adjustment Camera
- Auto flash on / off option
- Floating shutter button
- Shutter sounds disable option l
- Zoom video when recording
- Professional mode (ISO, scene mode, white balance, filters, exposure compensation)
- Camera for Galaxy S9 HDR
- Fill flash in front camera DSLR
- Video resolution adjustment
- Save location option, support save to SD card
- Location GPS tags support
- Photo stamp support, you can stamp photos with date and time
- Swiping screen up and down to switch front and rear
- screen display on 18.5: 9 resolution
- burst shooting by long pressing camera shutter
- You can set your favorite picture in the camera's album
- Flash video support
- Camera grid option
- Mirror
- Camera timer option / Countdown Timer
Camera For Oppo A71 is designed with unlimited camera resolution, from 8 megapixels, 12 megapixels, 16 megapixels, 18 megapixels, 24 megapixels, 32 megapixels, 36 megapixels, etc.
Camera For Oppo A71 can also be used for;
- Camera For Xiaomi Redmi 5 / Redmi 3 / Note 5A
- Camera For Vivo X 21
- X30
- X40
- X50
- X60
- V5
- X9 Plus
- Y53
- V7
- V7 Plus
- V9
- V9 Plus
- X7
- X7 Plus
- Y5
- Y57
- Y59
- Y65
- Camera For OPPO R15
- A37
- A83
- f7
- F5
- F3
- F1
- Camera For Samsung Galaxy J2 Pro
- s8
- s8 plus
- a8
- a8 plus
- a9
- a7
- a5
- a3
- j1
- j2
- j3
- j4
- Camera For phone 7 / phone 8
- Camera For Asus Zenfone 5 Lite
- Camera For Lenovo A6000 Plus, A6010
- Camera For Sony XPeria xz5
- XA1
- xz2
- xz3
- xz4
- Camera For Nokia 6
- 6 plus
- 8
- 8 plus
- 9
- 9 plus
- etc, ..
Results for your photo can also be used for Wallpapers all smartphone
Do not forget the 5 stars and comments.
Thank you
Aplikasi Kamera Untuk aplikasi A71 oposisi melebihi batas kesempurnaan setiap tembakan dari ponsel Anda.
Fitur juga mudah dan cukup untuk mempertahankan jeprat aktivitas Anda snip bidang, cuaca, dan bahkan dalam kondisi gelap.
- Shot pada
- Cubit untuk memperbesar
- Cerdas shooting
- gambar layar lebar
- pengaturan kualitas Gambar
- Gambar Watermark
- Kamera V9, perekam video & panorama fitur
- pengaturan white balance (pijar, Fluorescent, Auto, Daylight, Cloudy)
- Pengaturan modus layar (Aksi, Malam, Sunset, Play)
- Dinamis antarmuka pengguna (ponsel / tablet)
- filter Kamera
- Kamera Kecantikan Selfie
- HD kamera, 16: 9 dan 4: 3
- Lucu selfie Kamera
- mudah untuk selfie Kamera
- Pinch to zoom in / out
- Sentuh untuk fokus
- kamera belakang dan kamera depan
- Paparan penyesuaian kompensasi Kamera
- Auto Flash on / off pilihan
- tombol shutter Mengambang
- Shutter terdengar menonaktifkan pilihan l
- Video Zoom saat merekam
- Modus Profesional (ISO, scene mode, white balance, filter, kompensasi eksposur)
- Kamera untuk Galaxy S9 HDR
- Isi flash kamera depan DSLR
- penyesuaian resolusi Video
- Simpan pilihan lokasi, dukungan menyimpan ke SD card
- Dukungan tag Lokasi GPS
- Dukungan Photo stamp, Anda dapat cap foto dengan tanggal dan waktu
- Menggesekkan layar ke atas dan ke bawah untuk beralih depan dan belakang
- Tampilan layar pada 18,5: 9 resolusi
- bidikan oleh panjang menekan shutter kamera
- Anda dapat mengatur gambar favorit Anda di album kamera
- Dukungan video Flash
- Opsi Kamera jaringan
- Cermin
- option Kamera timer / Countdown Timer
Kamera Untuk Oppo A71 dirancang dengan resolusi kamera terbatas, dari 8 megapixel, 12 megapixels, 16 megapixel, 18 megapixel, 24 megapixels, 32 megapixels, 36 megapixels, dll
Kamera Untuk Oppo A71 juga dapat digunakan untuk;
- Kamera Untuk Xiaomi redmi 5 / redmi 3 / Note 5A
- Kamera Untuk Vivo X 21
- X30
- X40
- X50
- X60
- V5
- X9 Ditambah
- Y53
- V7
- V7 Ditambah
- V9
- V9 Ditambah
- X7
- X7 Ditambah
- Y5
- Y57
- Y59
- Y65
- Kamera Untuk OPPO R15
- A37
- A83
- f7
- F5
- F3
- F1
- Kamera Untuk Samsung Galaxy J2 Pro
- s8
- s8 ditambah
- a8
- a8 ditambah
- a9
- a7
- a5
- a3
- j1
- j2
- j3
- j4
- Kamera Untuk telepon 7 / telepon 8
- Kamera Untuk Asus Zenfone 5 Lite
- Kamera Untuk Lenovo A6000 Plus, A6010
- Kamera Untuk Sony Xperia xz5
- XA1
- xz2
- xz3
- xz4
- Kamera Untuk Nokia 6
- 6 ditambah
- 8
- 8 ditambah
- 9
- 9 ditambah
- dll, ..
Hasil untuk foto Anda juga dapat digunakan untuk Wallpaper semua smartphone
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