Brutal Muscle Online

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The golden age of the bodybuilding magazine is over. Here at brutal muscle we want to introduce the magazine experience but in a digital format. Remember when the magazines were super thick and the pros would answer the fans questions, talk about their workouts and there was a whole host of great information? Us too! This is why brutal muscle exists, to showcase EVERYTHING BODYBUILDING to the modern audience and cover every aspect, be it informative or pure entertainment. We are all in this together, welcome to Brutal Muscle Online.
Masa keemasan majalah binaraga telah usai. Di sini, di otot brutal kami ingin memperkenalkan pengalaman majalah tetapi dalam format digital. Ingat ketika majalahnya sangat tebal dan pro akan menjawab pertanyaan penggemar, berbicara tentang latihan mereka dan ada banyak informasi hebat? Kami juga! Inilah mengapa otot brutal ada, untuk memamerkan BODYBUILDING SEMUANYA kepada audiens modern dan mencakup setiap aspek, baik itu informatif atau hiburan murni. Kita semua bersama-sama, selamat datang di Brutal Muscle Online.

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