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ARTE, or the Artificial Intelligence Recognition Therapist for Ergonomics and chatbot. Able to recognize good vs poor ergonomics with an uploaded seated desk image.
Artificial Intelligence Recognition Therapist for Ergonomics, or A.R.T.E., is an A.I. visual image recognition "trained" to recognize workplace ergonomic setups and body positioning and filter out both positive and negative ergonomic aspects, based on the provided image. ARTE is trained by licensed and practicing physical therapists who practice in the field of ergonomics.
ARTE, atau Ahli Terapi Intelijen Buatan untuk Ergonomi dan chatbot. Mampu mengenali ergonomis baik vs buruk dengan gambar meja duduk yang diunggah.
Ahli Terapi Intelijen Buatan untuk Ergonomi, atau A.R.T.E., adalah A.I. pengenalan citra visual "terlatih" untuk mengenali pengaturan ergonomis di tempat kerja dan pemosisian tubuh dan menyaring aspek ergonomis positif dan negatif, berdasarkan gambar yang disediakan. ARTE dilatih oleh ahli terapi fisik berlisensi dan berlatih yang berlatih di bidang ergonomi.