900 volume amplifiers sound booster
Musik & Audio | 3.0MB
Increase Phone Volume: Speakers
Sound Booster processes all the sounds that are played in the system and amplifies them before they reach the sound card
● Increase the volume above the maximum
The Sound Booster application pushes the volume higher than the system defaults, which increases the sound of each application. Whether you're listening to music with your favorite player, playing games, watching movies or watching online videos in your browser, Sound Booster can interact with the program and audio output
● Bass amplifier Do not distort sound
Speaker Booster - Increase Amplifier Sound is a modern design music viewer, which can be used as a complete music player at the same time. Sound Booster supports around 40 models
It is the most reliable volume amplifier for Android, but not all devices are compatible with this software. Try the amp at YOUR OWN RISK and see if yours works.
Main features: 900 high volume booster super loud (sound booster)
- Increase the volume
- louder volume
- stronger music
- A stronger virtual effect sound
- Sound booster on the helmet
- His bass booster
- Control and improve the audio quality of your phone
- Switch to silent or vibration mode with one touch
- Call volume controller and amplifier
- Ringer volume controller and amplifier
- Realistic graphics and cool user interface.
- Visualizer gives an incredible look to your phone.
- Effect 9 presets with volume booster
- Bass Booster, Virtualizer and balance control
- Sound Amplifier Music Amplifier with 5 Band Equalizer
- louder speaker.
- Headphone volume booster and sound reinforcement sound speaker
- Increase your music volume
- Increase your alarm volume
- Increase your call voice volume
- Boost your notification sounds
- Boost all the sounds of your system
- stronger music
-Increase Phone Volume: Speakers
I hope you enjoy and recommend our music volume for helmet application to your friends. If you have any requirements about the super loud sound app, please leave a comment below so that we can improve the sound for music player with Visualizer music player to meet the needs of each user.
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super amplificateur de son ecouteur
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