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Kesehatan & Kebugaran | 27.7MB


We all like to believe that we are healthy and free from any diseases, thus we don’t need to do anything. This ignorance often leads us to the situation when an illness is identified very late. Amidst the rush of the busy life and responsibilities, we often ignore our health. We keep stalling the tests and check-ups prescribed by the doctor until the last moment because we get caught up in the daily chores. This is why 5th Vital brings to you reliable and convenient health diagnostic services, which you can avail anywhere as per your convenience.
5th Vital’s On-Door sample collection services provide you the flexibility of calling phlebotomists to your home, office or any other address at your preferred time. Our phlebotomists are equipped with the latest technology equipment and the samples are processed in our state-of-the-art technologically equipped laboratory. All our staff is highly experienced and trained to ensure the best quality services to our customers.
Kita semua ingin percaya bahwa kita sehat dan bebas dari penyakit apa pun, jadi kita tidak perlu melakukan apa pun. Ketidaktahuan ini sering membawa kita ke situasi ketika suatu penyakit diidentifikasi sangat terlambat. Di tengah kesibukan hidup yang sibuk dan tanggung jawab, kita sering mengabaikan kesehatan kita. Kami terus mengulur-ulur tes dan pemeriksaan yang ditentukan oleh dokter sampai saat terakhir karena kami terjebak dalam tugas sehari-hari. Inilah sebabnya mengapa 5th Vital menghadirkan kepada Anda layanan diagnostik kesehatan yang andal dan nyaman, yang dapat Anda manfaatkan di mana saja sesuai kenyamanan Anda.
Layanan pengumpulan sampel 5 Vital On-Door memberi Anda fleksibilitas memanggil phlebotomists ke rumah, kantor, atau alamat lain pada waktu pilihan Anda. Flebotomis kami dilengkapi dengan peralatan teknologi terbaru dan sampel diproses di laboratorium berteknologi canggih kami. Semua staf kami sangat berpengalaman dan terlatih untuk memastikan layanan kualitas terbaik kepada pelanggan kami.

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Yang Terbaru 5th Vital

Initial Release
- Book diagnostic tests for home collection from the comfort of your home
- Consult doctors via video consultation from any where, any time
- Search for doctors in your locality and book appointments
- Manage your diagnostic test reports and doctor prescriptions
- Know your health score
- Manage your health calendar
- Manage your family members’ health
- Easy to use customisable UI
and many more



Versi: 1.0.2

Butuh: Android 4.4 or later



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