schedule of constitution (Trick:- Tears of old PM)
Physical and adjacent countries MAP filling #map #indiamapdrawing #studywithtricks #upsc #ias
L52: संसद | Parliament of India | Indian Polity by Laxmikanth for #UPSC #IAS #CSE By VeeR
L94: Rights and Liabilities of the Government | Indian Polity by Laxmikanth for #UPSC #CSE By VeeR
Indian Polity 6th Edition by Laxmikant | Polity by VeeR | Indian Constitution for UPSC/ SSC/ IBPS
UPSC Prelims 2023 - How To Study Polity (UPSC/PSC/RBI/SSC) By VeeR ( Indian polity by Laxmikant)
L90: शास्त्रीय भाषा - Classical Language | Indian Polity by Laxmikanth for UPSC CSE By VeeR in Hindi
4-6फिल्टर लगाई हो क्या मैम ? 😜😜😜#shorts 5g student