Hijri Age & Birthday Calculate Ramadan Special - Age in Hijri Calendar Application Show Your Age in Islamic Hijri Calendar or in Islamic Days and Islamic Months Calculations.
★ Hijri Age & Birthday Calculate Ramadan Special 2018★
Hijri Age-Birthday Calculator calculate your age according to Islamic Calendar and also English calendar.★With new year new update for 2018 enjoy and happy new year.★
With this calculator app you can easily calculate your age in years, months and days using Hijri Islamic and English Calendar calculations.
Hijri Age-Birthday Calculator also give your birth date according to The Islamic Calendar. Hijri Age-Birthday shows the details of your age on just one tip. Hijri Age-Birthday app supports Multilanguage e.g. Arabic, English, French, Italian, Japanese, Turkish, Chinese etc…
How to use
1: First select your date of birth in Gregorian/English calendar
2: Tap on calculate button
3: The details of your age in both Hijri and English will be shown, also shown your birthday in Islamic Calendar date.
• Simple and Easy User Interface
• Supported with Material Design
• Multi-language Supported
• Show age in both Islamic and English Calendar Date
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Find Your Islamic Birthday with 100% Accuracy.