This application has some of the best information for you that you have always wanted to know. Staying healthy has become a priority for a lot of people around the world. A lot of times you read the internet or tried on some media that you thought would be good for your need of knowing. But alas you didn't find them helpful. Nuskhe or Niyam (chhoti magar moti baate) app will help you to increase your knowledge about the world most amazing thing of the world.
Topics in this app:-
"पिम्पल्स हटाने के नुस्खे",
"मुँह के छाले से छुटकारा पाने के उपाय",
"पेट की गैस भगाने के उपाय",
"रसोईघर के मसालो से उपचार",
"दूध पीने के नियम",
"पानी से करे रोगो के उपचार",
"रात को देर से खाने के नुकसान",
"बालो से रूसी हटाने के उपाय",
"बाल झड़ने से रोकने के नुस्खे",
"बालो को सीधे करने के नुस्खे",
"फल खाने के नियम",
"मैदा खाने के नुक्सान"
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