Believe it or not! 20,000+ users downloaded AICRS latest version on 9Apps for free every week! Players who wants to play both because this app is good and because the app are response quickly at any time. This hot app was released on 2019-12-24. Why not download and play it now?
Ditch the printed schedule, voting pads, visiting cards, trade brochures, audience response system, public announcements system and let the your phone be the only device you use at the conference...
मुद्रित शेड्यूल, वोटिंग पैड्स, विजिटिंग कार्ड्स, ट्रेड ब्रोशर, ऑडियंस रिस्पांस सिस्टम, पब्लिक अनाउंसमेंट सिस्टम को डिच करें और कॉन्फ्रेंस में आपके फोन का एकमात्र उपकरण होने दें ...
version 1 draft