Guess the capital by flags - 2019 quiz

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Guess the capital by flags. New 2019 GUESS trivia game!
This game was created for those who want to test their knowledge about countries, capitals, and flags.
This first version contains only countries from Europe, future updates will add countries from Asia, South America, Africa, etc.
Download and Have fun!

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नया क्या है Guess the capital by flags - 2019 quiz

Guess the capital by flags. New 2019 GUESS trivia game!
This game was created for those who want to test their knowledge about countries, capitals, and flags.
This first version contains only countries from Europe, future updates will add countries from Asia, South America, Africa, etc.
Download and Have fun!


आधुनिक बनायें:

संस्करण: 7.1.2z

आवश्यक है: Android 5.0 या बाद में

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