Temple run racing game

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एडवेंचर | 17.5MB


🐍Temple running platformer game
🍏Enjoy this new platformer game
🐛One finger control
🐉Download free
🍎Run and explore many worlds
🍓Easily control your characters
🌷 jump and run platformer
🌻double jump option
❤You will love it
🏕HD GRAPHICS with music
🐡Download and enjoy free
⛱Jump and run game
💰👝Collect coins and gifts
💣This game will be multiplayer you will play it whit your friends when we get enough downloads
😎 temple running and jungle adventure desert adventure platformer scenes
😃download free platformer game

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नया क्या है Temple run racing game

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आधुनिक बनायें:

संस्करण: 0.2

आवश्यक है: Android 4.1 या बाद में

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