WE: Arkanoid ( Brick breaker )

4.15 (25)

आर्केड गेम | 63.2MB


Help WE with travel between different worlds, defeat a bosses, collect crystalls and coins, get achievments and collect all new powerfull WE!
Destroy blocks with help your ball, take bonuses and grow stronger!
Any WE have unique spell, change WE for complete different levels!
Coins drops from destroyed blocks.
You can open new WE for completed achievements or buy for coins!
Choose your WE!

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नया क्या है WE: Arkanoid ( Brick breaker )

New update Pandemic Style! New opened world!


आधुनिक बनायें:

संस्करण: 1.9

आवश्यक है: Android 4.1 या बाद में

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