Grid games (crossword & sudoku

3.95 (11174)

शब्द | 3.5MB


Solve arrowword, crossword, sudoku and takuzu puzzles right on your smartphone or tablet.
- crosswords, takuzu, sudoku in the same app!
- auto-save
- get a hint or the complete solution when you want
- check for errors
- save multiple states of a puzzle to try different possibilities
- pencil marks (sudoku)
- pinch to zoom (or double tap)
- search a word on the Internet
- multiple difficulty levels
Many puzzles are regularly added.

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नया क्या है Grid games (crossword & sudoku

Misc fixes


आधुनिक बनायें:

संस्करण: 2.5.5

आवश्यक है: Android 4.1 या बाद में

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