Basic Electronics Quiz

4.3 (1211)

शिक्षा देने वाले | 4.5MB


Basic Electronics MCQ (BSNL JE) app is an android application for all who are preparing for Electronics based exams.
The App covers different topics of Electronics engineering & technology with the help of quizzes.
Some of the topics Covered in this application are:
1. Introduction to Electronics
2. PN Diode Working
3. BJT working
4. Resonance Circuits
5. Rectifier Circuits
6. Modulation Techniques
7. Electronics Abbreviations and Acronyms
8. Instrumentation
9. Control systems
10. Electromagnetism
11. Communication
12. Applied Mathematics and physics
13 Basic electricity
14. Electrical
Basic Electronics Quiz covers almost all electronics related concepts and the questions are selected to help candidates preparing interviews.
Basic Electronic Quiz contains around 500 electronics questions. Add to favorites feature is available for future reference.
This electronics basics app is available in offline mode also.

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आधुनिक बनायें:

संस्करण: 15.0

आवश्यक है: Android 4 या बाद में

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